To watch cat videos on, or any other website hosting videos of furry animals.
Mostly used as a break from mind-numbing work, taking a cute break often leads to hours of procrastination.
Tired of filling out TPS reports, Peter took a quick cute break to ease his Monday blues.
"Awwww, Look at Maru play in that box!"
means it's over you do you for the time being and get back together when the time is right
We are on a break is defined like Let's take a break and see what it's like without each other
When news channels are desperate for viewers to make a profit regardless of the actual "news" story. The term is plastered on television around the world as a bait tactic on any news channel to make it look they are the first to inform you on extremely urgent news.
BREAKING NEWS: The Russian invasions into Ukraine have officially been going on for 3 months.
people with autism take sensory breaks to calm themselves
Austin has autism he takes sensory breaks to help calm down
to make change from a large monetary bill into smaller ones
They said they couldn't just break a bill for me, so I had to buy a gum to get some change.
Slapping the drama out of a person
She's totally tit breaking the vibe
A Bogey Break is when at least two people, and usually no more than ten, go outside to enjoy the comradery of a cigarette. It is important to note that a bogey break is always instigated by several specific events, listed below. At which point a non participant in the stupidity announces very loudly, "bogey break." Also, the person(s) who made the stupid statement are not allowed to participate or join in on bogey break. It is usually caused by these situations:
-When someone says something stupid.
-When someone does something stupid.
-As a way to get outside, away from annoyances, i.e. people.
-When you dislike certain persons in a dwelling and wish to get away from them without them realizing the purpose of the bogey break.
History: Bogey Break originated in the minds of all young cigarette smokers, so it belongs to everyone.
Gjergji: "Evan, how come Egypt never invented anything useful?"
Alex: "Gjergji, is that a serious question?"
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