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Taint Muffin

Someone who is being annoying and mean

Listen up you little taint muffin, you will give me your chocolate milk.

by PooBob April 17, 2021

Tainted Soldier

When you take a handful of sweat from between your balls and your ass and slap it on your partner’s face like war paint.

My partner said that the sexual maneuver was too risky so I gave her a tainted soldier and called her my warrior!

by mrmojorisin880 February 26, 2019

Taint Pocket

The pocket created by overlapping material in boxer briefs that starts at the pee flap and ends right before your butthole; commonly used to hide your stash.

Hey Adam hide this dimebag in your taint pocket,They won't find it if they pat you down.

by Alan Nash December 23, 2015

Taint Whip

When struggling to maintain an erection during intercourse due to excess alcohol consumption, rather than penetration the flaccid penis just slaps against the taint

Brah #1: What happened to you last night?
Brah #2: I left the bar with that chick that girl who thought Sandra Bullock was the funniest talent in Hollywood, but instead of laying the pipe, the combination of Long Island Iced Teas and her recital of lines from The Heat caused me to taint whip for 3 hours until we both gave up.

by FakeTucci January 18, 2015

stained taint

Having wet farts so often that one's taint takes on the hue of shat.

Bill farted in front of john, the sound it made had the distinct sound of a gurgling sloppy shart. John quipped , I think you may have a stained taint after that one. You disgusting fucker!

by poopy pants fucktard November 18, 2015

Belly Taint

The warm, wet, circular cavity on the lower section of one's abdomen. It is often referred to as a belly button.

Dude, I was feeling her up and totally accidently shoved my finger in her belly taint. It was sweaty and gross and a total turnoff

by Bodoman July 10, 2016

taint shooter

A man who shoots his Girlfriend(or boyfriend) in the taint after pulling out during sex.

just before he came he pulled out and jizz shot at her taint so he was called a taint shooter.

by Chrissy Some April 10, 2008