The best way to explain cell division
Person 1: "Hey Bro, I forgot my cell division from biology class. Could you explain it to me?"
Person 2: "o 0 8 oo"
Person 1: "Thanks."
An expample of darwin`s 0 law can be when you have to agrue for something on a test et school or just in a simlpe conversation you can justify with this law. it´s simple and you don´t need any knowledg about of the subject!
7👍 2👎
It's a fucking math equation asshole...BUT, *sigh* if I must explain:
69 (mutual oral sex.)
8=D (dick.)
(0) (pussy.)
There, happy now? Wanna work at Ronald McfuckingDonalds forever? Then write this on every math test.
7x + y + 54 - 3b ÷ 13x • 2y =?
answer: 69 - 8=D = (0).
174👍 131👎
A skateboard. Synonym commonly used to distance oneself from the stereotypic skateboarder's culture.
A: I got here on my 0-wheel drive.
B: You mean your skateboard?
A: Yes, sort of...
2👍 8👎
An expample of darwin`s 0 law can be when you have to agrue for something on a test et school or just in a simlpe conversation you can justify with this law. it´s simple and you don´t need any knowledg about of the subject!
6👍 2👎
When you forget what century you are living in, a graceful out.
"At the rate I'm going, I should get there by Nineteen-0-scuse me", she offered, on her way to California, pedaling her stationary bike for all she was worth.
A sales tactic targeted mostly at people without money, good credit or low interest credit cards. Means the financial entity will keep accruing interest at a generally usurious interest rate until the conclusion of the specified number of months. If the purchase isn't paid in full by then, the buyer gets hit with an enormous "balloon" of accrued interest. Unless you can pay the purchase off quickly, you're a huge sucker.
Buy this incredibly marked up living room set today and get 0% interest for X months!
4👍 1👎