When a teenage girl who baby-sits talks to everyone as if they’re 8 years old and is always in a falsely chipper mood.
“You saw a movie last weekend?! That’s awesome! How was it?!”
“You know what, Becky? Legitimate question: Why are we friends? This babysitter syndrome is pissing everyone off. Honestly, what do you bring to the table?”
37👍 7👎
When you're too cold without a blanket but get too hot when under a blanket.
Person 1: "I'm suffering from blanket syndrome.. I'm doomed to spend this night as either too hot or too cold ;( "
Person 2: "Put on a jacket you little bitch!"
28👍 4👎
When a person becomes overly obsessed about a game/series that not too many people cared about, until it was brought back from another popular series, either through reference, re-ports, or in-game demo(s). (Gaming is not the only restriction to this disease, as it can work for shows, or musical artists as well, should the definition fit this situation.) This produces an "unrealistic" fanbase that would not have existed in the first place, had the game/character never appeared as a selectable choice in the first place. (Taking gaming as an example.)
Another example/series includes Phoenix Wright. The game was originally released for the Game Boy Advance back in 2001. It was never translated or cared about too much in the United States, until it was re-released in 2005 for the Nintendo DS. Only then did people start wearing blue, formal attire to gaming conventions shouting "OBJECTION!" every time.
Recently, even "Osu!" has been receiving this illness.
Look at the definitions written for 'EarthBound' and tell me how they're NOT experiencing EarthBound Syndrome. The poor souls.
73👍 14👎
The lack of good taste for girls after having been in the "Artemis Faculty" for too long, whereby desperation has clouded better judgement.
Whoa there! You think that girl is hot? She's totally not, must be your Artemis Syndrome acting up again.
166👍 39👎
This is when an IT Desktop Engineer has a mental breakdown with chronic and unresolved grief caused by an over-demanding customer with an accent.
"oh maaaaaaan I think I got The Harry Syndrome cause i am so tired of creating a batch file that would sort a customer's David Hassellhoff CD and DVD collection"
13👍 1👎
Much like stockholm syndrome (where kidnap victims feel loyal to their abductors), SHITCOM SYNDROME happens when a bad sitcom is thrust upon the viewing public so much it ends up being very popular, battering them into submission until it is named 'The Nation's No. 1 comedy show'
Two and a Half men - broadcast in many countries more than 3 times a week - we don't have a chance!!
'Man, I think I've got Shitcom Syndrome, I laughed at Two and Half Men last night'
'Oh my God, flagellate yourself with the Tv guide quick!'
13👍 1👎
Got that richman. The swagger is too much to handle. cares about dreams, family, friends and dont give 2 shits about the haters... maybe even 3
Man cant nobody touch my swag, forget tha haters i got that Antwyne Syndrome!
14👍 1👎