Only Trump supporters and Cruz supporters who happen to be black use this word as a sub for "ask." No other black person uses it.
Did I ax you if Trump was a racist or not?
Only Trump supporters and Cruz supporters who happen to be black use this word as a sub for "ask." No other black person uses it.
Did I ax you if Trump was a racist or not?
Only Trump supporters and Cruz supporters who happen to be black use this word as a sub for "ask." No other black person uses it.
Did I ax you if Trump was a racist or not?
What do you call something that always wants more that's always searching for something better thats never satisfied constantly confusing themselves and other people what do you call something that makes you feel something so strong and then tells you that you shouldn't feel that way what do you call something that eats at you inside and then spits you out and puts you in its mouth again until its teeth are cracking from chewing what happens when the teeth are gone and the hands are wrinkly and cracked and rigid and cant pick the remains up again, you call it ax
Ax why do you not allow yourself to just be why do you have to make things hard why do you try to force yourself to feel things you wont feel things you never felt i know its not helping you i know its selfish its wrong to force you into something just because i want it but i love you even when no one else does even when you tell me no one else will i love you and i want you to feel my love and i dont know how to show it because no one ever showed me how to but i love you i love you ax and the day i figure out how to express it in actions ill do it til im in my casket
He's a guy you want around you and a soul that is damaged and wants to be around people all the time. He is just one of those people that can change your day and fuck it up at the same time. He makes all the women around him feel affection towards him. Hes the perfect guy...
Guy #2 him? Oh, that's just Ax. Great guy u should get to know him...
To say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
“People are always axing questions…”
Fuck me she had a fanny like an axe wound in Chewbacca’s back
A concept or suggestion that in practice would in fact be beneficial, but only in a negligible attribute or change.
as in you change or introduce something that leads to an objectively positive effect, but the effect is functionally redundant , possibly due to the original subject having the means to perform whichever task the suggestion was aiming for, or outside negatives/positives balancing its effect out.
The suggestion may also even harm the subject when effecting or effected by other factors of the subject or its surroundings (physically or broadly).
I'm not smart so I cant think of a specific example, but you fellas get the picture!
The term stems from the fact that an axe wielding beaver already has the biological means to cut down a tree, and must now either redundantly use an axe, or even inefficiently fumble about with the axe due to its stupid animal PAW hands. Beavers can barely hold axes, also their weak.
Anyways, a beavers axe is at best neutral, and at worst less convenient.
"I mean sure the bill made my rent 50 dollars cheaper, but my utility's are still shooting up. Its just a beavers axe, Ya know?" Said Ned Flanders, in his unexpected Guest Star role on "Urban Dictionary".