A sudden turning point in how things in a category are made due to a revolutionary item created in that category
(Like how half life 1 changed game making)
George Lucas's Star Wars is like The Half Life Point of movie making.
The Cycle of life was invented by Mahi. If broken you are probably going to be criticized by its creator, so don’t break the Cycle of life. The Cycle of life can be broken by not having kids or not getting married. It is such an important part of life; it is the future of the next generation that's why it is so important not to break it. Many people choose to break it, and in some people's eyes it is not a big deal but for others it can be sacred and if broken you could be treated poorly by those people because of the path you've chosen.
The Cycle of life was invented by a very good friend of mine. If broken you are probably going to be criticized by its creator, so don’t break the Cycle of life. The Cycle of life can be broken by not having kids or not getting married. It is such an important part of life; it is the future of the next generation that's why it is so important not to break it. Many people choose to break it, and in some people's eyes it is not a big deal but for others it can be sacred and if broken you could be treated poorly by those people because of the path you've chosen.
A Crazy Ass White Boy From Soddy By God Daisy Who Lives A "Fuck It Im Winging This Shit Lifestyle." Aka Jap/Justin/Daddy! Im Too White To Ride A Bike!
Y'all Remember When That Crazy Ass White For Life Fucker Wrecked His Ol' Ladies Car Into A Tree Doing 80 Mile An Hour With No SeatBelt And Got Out And Walked Away?
When your Jake Paul Syndrome has gotten sooo bad that you have started your own YouTube channel to be like Jake Paul. You try to talk like him, walk like him, act like him, and even cheat on women like him! Jake Paul and vlogging have become your only priority in life. You haven’t slept in weeks trying to think of video ideas besides reaction videos and diss tracks. You eventually go blind and become crippled from watching to many of Jake Paul’s videos. But you keep vlogging because it’s everyday bro. Eventually, you surpass his sub count. He come to your house, looking for a fight and “accedentally” reveals your address to the few subscribers that haven’t left him yet. Cops arrive at your house and take Jake Paul. This is the life you must live. This is the vlog life. Be a maverick.
Jake Paul: “ WHAT IS GOING ON MY J A K E P A U L E R S...”
Daddy Paul: “ Shut da fuq up son you don’t know that vlog life. Be a maverick.”
Life in higher definition, full of inspiration, positive emotions and experiences. HD life is based on the need for higher standards or quality of life that are based on a person's own ideas, plans and dreams.
HD Life is what I need - I'm so fed up with this boring everyday life.