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When a guy wears the waistband of his boxers above the waistline of his trousers. Then, whenever the guy’s shirt rides up/he stretches, the waistband of his boxers is visible.

This differs from normal sagging in that a guy does not wear his trousers lower than usual, rather he wears his boxers slightly higher, covering some of his stomach.

“Oh, did you see Connor semi-sagging earlier? He’s wearing his Calvin Klein’s today”

by MCLCLCNCJCOC123 October 12, 2018


Someone who is genuinely smart, but always acts like he has less IQ points than his pet rock

Peter: oh yeah, well if f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 5; then a = 2, b = 4, c = -5.
Jeff: shit you smart
Peter: wait are bees real
Jeff: are you actually braindead
Marcus: nah hes just semi-dumb

by ff69 April 27, 2024


Being a dude who likes women that having experiences with your mates

Michael is it semi-straight

by September 21, 2021


Straight but only towards people who are straight, bisexual, pan etc. (aka people who can like you back).

terms such as half straight can be used as well

Girl 1: Do you think that Gavin likes me even though im bisexual, I feel like im leading him on and I dont want to hurt him
Girl 2: Don't worry he doesn't like you, he's semi-straight remember

by jeena34 July 30, 2021


The inability to go to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning, no matter how tired you are.

I would've gotten to bed earlier, but I suffer from semi-somnia. I couldn't fall asleep until 3.

by Bloe Jackman June 7, 2010

I'm Half doomed and you're semi-sweet

The speaker “half doomed” and the other person “semi-sweet” insinuates that although separately they’re only halves of a whole, together they complete each other.

What a match, I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet

by Vampirejerk May 21, 2023

Semi Side Up Eggs

Sunny side up eggs, but the yolk is popped and lightly cooked on both sides.

I prefer semi side up eggs over Sunny side up

by Loftsnax August 13, 2021