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Wombats Live

The phrase traditionally uttered by a male at the precise moment of ejaculation, post-vinegar stroke but pre-blurt.

'Oh crikey Maureen I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna..... Wombats Live!'

by Sticky_Green September 18, 2021

ruiner of lives

A person that loves to ruin the lives of others. Making an intricate plan to destroy someones life for little or no reason at any cost.

The ruiner of lives chooses a victim and vows to destroy him.

by BaconMastert September 23, 2016

live stalking

When a player on XBox live joins in on other players' games over and oever again to try to plow through the player. typically happens when this player has lost to the other player so, they feel they must exact some revenge on them.

Player 1: "Hey look, its a DBW on the other team. He must be live stalking us again.

by Sideboob<cleavage September 4, 2010

clean living

Golf terminology for keeping the ball in play on fairways and greens, i.e. “Keep it on the short grass.”

Roger: “Phil got lucky on that shot! Avoided the sand trap and got a great bounce out of the rough. The ball is very close to the hole. That’s clean living.”

Johnny: “Yep. Clean living.”

by yes juanito yes June 11, 2021

Forward Living

Getting Old

I used to party all night when I was younger. Now I go to bed at 10 pm because I'm forward living

by Risky99 April 11, 2018


Very cool and is yea

Yes toby..live is very cool follow them

by evieelol July 17, 2021

skim living

living in a high strung and robotic way that ultimately skims over subtleties and honesty for the sake of getting on with something necessary. examples include people in positions of some responsibility who in fact despise being in such a place. often coincides with a loss of a proper honest sense of humour, and post 25 depression.

Skim Living - "In my job as a call centre operator, I skim live to fuck. I hate almost everyone who calls or i call , but i have to be a bubbly, friendly douche bag all the same"

by jp7407 November 16, 2015