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whiskey-dicked dollar

When a bill is too limp to be accepted by a jukebox or change machine.

Q: Hey, did you get change for the pool table?
A: I tried, but the only money I had was this whiskey-dicked dollar.

by baby sea tuna December 28, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

thousand dollar day

N. A day in which you could tell everyone you know that you would give them a crisp, new 1000 dollar bill, if they gave you a phone call, and yet, no one calls. Had mostly by emo kids, because they want to talk about their problems, but no one wants to listen.

Man, it's such a thousand dollar day.

by thecrumpler July 7, 2006

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Million Dollar Swag

Basically means you have swag that is worth a million dollars. Only found in people who have great style, appearance etc.

Guy 1: Dayum, no one has swagger like me.
Guy 2: That's cos you have Million Dollar Swag dude.

by jerseyshorefan(: September 12, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Million Dollar Mix

One man or woman must eat out a combination, or mix, of semen and shaven pubic hair of a partner's/friend's rectum or anus. If completed the receiver of this anal delicasy must pay up a some of money in return, hence the name, Million Dollar Mix.

Person A shaves off both his pubes and Person B's pubes. Both ingredients of shavings must be placed into a cup or container. Then each partner, if both males, must jakk each other off (in case of only one male his female partner must jakk him off) and place or 'catch' the semen from both persons into the container holding the pubic hair. The mixture of pubes and semen must then be mixed around by either tongues,erected penises, or both. Once completed the Person, may it be A or B, who wants to taste this rare mix must poor it down/all over the rectum/anus and then eat the concoction out. Then, whoever ate the Million Dollar Mix will recieve an amount of money that was betted before the 'mixing' began.

by G-N-J July 31, 2006

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Dollar Tree Addict

Somebody that has a severe obsession with Dollar Tree and refuses to by anything else at other stores.

Alex is your grandma a Dollar Tree Addict LOL!
Jake you're such a Dollar Tree Addict.

by ASS this December 4, 2020

10 dollars mode

When you are buying something and use a 10 dollar bill to pay for it

Person 1: that will be $10
Person 2: im going 10 dollars mode *takes out 10 dollars*

by TylertheCreatorFan418007 May 16, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pick up that dollar

Pick up that dollar, sometimes followed by bitch or hoe.. can refer to a person, a situation, a comment or reply to a conversation when you don't think much of them or what is being said. It can mean an event, person, thing or situation not worthy of your time. It is can be a condescending remark comparing the person, situation or event to a stripper , whore picking up money off the floor.

In response to the stripper who said "you ladies are stupid for sponsoring a lap dance for your guys"..the ladies replied, "hoe, pick up that dollar "

by Juugg May 4, 2016