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For something to get done or Finished. Past tense is gam

Let's hurry up before the food games, or else they're going to say food has gam.

by big_stepperr January 22, 2025


To improve your skills and/or talents to rise to a higher level.

She passed down game from the ancestors.

Maya Angelou gave us so much game in her poems.

Step Yo Game up.

by May 31, 2022


To improve your skills and/or talents to rise to a higher level.

She passed down game from the ancestors.

Maya Angelou gave us so much game in her poems.

Step Yo Game up.

by May 31, 2022


I wouldn't know what the art director said if not for YouTube. I don't give a fuck about a Elon. Deja vu... There it is... This exact word too. I don't generally care what he thinks. If I was interested in the game I would play the game regardless of what he said. And no. People are getting harassed because the children aren't getting murdered fast enough for the negative reinforcement to kick in.

Hym "And you are perfectly fine doing shit (deliberately) to piss people off you fucking half-wit. You'll even go as far to MAKE A GAME OUT OF IT. And then somebody steals their step-dads rifle and starts filling some coffins and we (for some reason) don't understand why that is happening, do we? So, if people are getting harassed it's becuase they aren't being provided with a path for recourse. And this is asymmetrical because rather than not consuming because you don't like the things I said you're stealing and in doing so sacrificing somebodies kid. If you think you are going yo let the get away with doing this to me... You night as well go out and stab a kid yourself because you are just a culpable as I am as far as I am concerned."

by Hym Iam December 1, 2024


I'm playing an involuntary one and you're actively engaging in it.

Hym "Burn the witch is a voluntary game... Mostly. Is burning the witch justified. Yes or no? Know you struggle with yes or no questions but I'd like you to try and answer because it direct effects what I'm going to do moving forward."

by Hym Iam August 3, 2022


Game is simply being oneself. One feels like it is not a necessity to change for nobody. In the men's case, it is the ability to talk to women and how they carry themselves.

Damn man, I didn't you have game like that?
Whatchu mean? I am just being me

by E rey July 13, 2022


Knowledge, or the gaining of it.

Jerry: I'm trying to be a Realtor, so I can sell homes and hopefully get paid.
Broker: Stick with me and I'll give you some game along the way.

by June Kno Mi December 3, 2021