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North Island

The northern island of New Zealand, where everything cool is, oppose to the south island, where all there is, is mountains and rubble.

Mate, should I head down to the South Island, or stay in the north island?
Stay up here, nothing's exciting down there

by Evenmenlikecheese April 3, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Korea

Gay Useless country with no lights or running water that relies on 18th century technology for basic lighting. Their leader is so fucking clouded by his ginormous bouffant that the hairs at his hairline are literally pulling at his brain thus causing gookefying trauma. It also doesnt help that his eyes are slanted at 90 degree angles distorting his clarity. There is no real reason to gear North Korea or North GOOKDOM because any attack they would launch (regardless of what country is targeted) would only lead to their total annihilation. Has no real economy and is totally useless. Once the kimchied landmass is finally decimated, it would be better served by building Asia's largest multiplex theatre / shopping mall.

Welcome to North Korea. I CHINK I GOT GOOK IN MY EYE.

by Deslantifier July 7, 2006

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North Dakota

The freezing hell of a state that no one wants to live in. There's literally nothing to do here. This place truly sucks, the only people who say that its okay are the ones that have never left it. Some facts about North Dakota are:

It has 8 months of winter followed by 2 weeks of spring, 3 months of summer, and 2 weeks of fall. Rinse and repeat cycle.

It only has 3 major cities, which are more like big towns than cities, Minot, Bismark, and Fargo. With little villages sprinkled on the highways.

Every single grade you have to learn about how fucking Lewis and Clark "discovered" the wester side of America. I've learn about it 4 times already, 4 FUCKING TIMESS AHHHHH.

Overall, North Dakota can go fuck itself.

Friend: What's North Dakota like?
You: so...cold....dying....please....help me....

by Dragon_Queen7878 September 19, 2020

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The North Pole

A strip club that is only open during Christmas

"Hey man Im goin to The North Pole to meet Mrs. Claws"

by Cobble935 May 19, 2020

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North star

When you with a girl and you want to get some loving.. just look up and pick a bright star, tell your girl that's the North Star we should kiss for good luck..

This hoe would give me no play so I said "oh look at that there's the North Star" now I got child support payments.

by Toaddog May 23, 2017

24๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Kingstown

NK is a great town in Rhode Island. It's closer to the beaches than other places in the state but doesn't have as high of housing costs. Taxes are high but there are good schools, especially Stony Lane elementary. I've found people in NK to be nicer than people in neighboring EG. You can't go wrong living near Wickford. There are several upscale and comfortable subdivisions off Stony Lane and Old Baptist Rd. Lots of housing options here but favoring higher income people. A few big boxes here but you can drive to Warwick for that. Saunderstown is closer to the beach but farther from amenities and features many high end neighborhoods. NK is a great option if you want a safe place to live with a classic downtown and lower housing prices than EG and safer than Warwick. More convenient than Exeter/WG

#1: I love North Kingstown, I loved growing up here

#2 Me too. Lots to do in the summer such a great location in RI

by NKresident18 March 2, 2014

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the athens of the north

Well .. you know how Athens is a fucking beautiful city, Edinburgh is the Athens of the north, fucking awesome city. Beautiful sights, sounds and surrounding scenery. The opposite of Glasgow which is indeed a bit of a shitehole. I'm from Edinburgh and proud as fuck. Get it up you if you think any different.. if you do chances are your a cunt anyway

Edinburgh = Better than Glasgow which is a fucking dump. Like Athens, Edinburgh is Beautiful.. hence the title.. the Athens of the north

by stickboi September 24, 2006

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