Source Code

The Uncle Sam

When you punch your partner in the nose, let it sit for a day or two so the face becomes black and blue (but we all know it's really just blue). Now that the bruise is fully colored, cum on your partner's face and punch him/her in the nose again, allowing a steady stream of blood to trickle down over the cum covered bruise. Thereby, beautifully making the colors of our American Flag.

I was getting bored of just a regular blowjob so I gave my partner "The Uncle Sam."

by JoZG September 2, 2008

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Uncle Tom

Kanye West in 2018.

Kanye West is such an uncle Tom.

by Littleduckxoxo April 27, 2018

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Uncle Bradley

massive Nonce. Films his cousin wanking and is a massive melt. Touches kid bum holes on the daily with his dad but his mum is fit as fuck and takes it up the ass. uncle Bradley = Brad Benton from Chester. Also a gay model

Uncle Bradley tried to touch me

by PedoExposer12345 September 23, 2019

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uncle keith

A man who drives a cool bread truck and loves golf. He can often be found trying to get food out of his teeth at family functions. He hates hip hop.

Yo that guy has a cool bread truck.

Yeah well he never listens to hip hop.

Haha yeah man that's a total uncle keith move.


Holy heck I got stuff in my teeth let me clean it while we chat.

Omg you're such an uncle keith.

by Cincoproductkid July 17, 2017

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Uncle Steven

When during auto erotic asphyxiation masturbating while standing on top of something, one slips and hangs himself and dies.

My friend pulled an Uncle Steven last week when he slipped off the ironing board and hanged himself while jerking it.

by BagofDicks May 7, 2013

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Uncle Swag

The universal uncle that gives you advice on your swag. If you are not looking too your potential he (usually the role is taken up by a bro) will undoubtedly drop in and help out and maximize your swagger

Mark: "Sandals, crew socks, athletic shorts, flannel; ready to hit up some girls!"
Tom: "Dude you need some advice from Uncle Swag, try this instead..."

by guruforyou July 8, 2011

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Uncle Deezle

What you turn into after taking three scoops of preworkout.

Uncle Deezle over there took three scoops and forgot where he was.

by joemammy September 3, 2016

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