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Amber Liu

The rapper of the South Korean girl group f(x). She is Taiwanese American, grew up in California, and can speak English, Chinese, and Korean.
Amber is well known and loved for her trademark androgynous image and ability to turn girls lesbian for her since 1992.

Fangirl #1: lol amber liu is so hot i have a gurl crush on her <3<3<3 amber bby i luv u y cant u be a boi??? I WISH U WERE MA OPPA </3

Me: Hey, if you don't want her as she is, I'LL GLADLY TAKE HER.

by marimoooo May 11, 2011

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Amber Lamps

An ambulance

Epic Beard Man done bust up my face. Bring the Amber Lamps.

by AthePG February 17, 2010

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Amber Turd

The act of scent marking your territory by defecating to ward off enemies.

Person 1: Yo, I hear weird noises outside!
Person 2: Hold on I will go out and amber turd all around the house!

by Sir Adel June 21, 2022

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amber turd

Amber turd, also occasionally refered to as amber heard, is a gold digging, narcissistic, abusive piece of shit who likes taking shits on her partners beds and blaming it on the four pound teacup yorkies, she got married to Johnny Depp in 2015 and leeched off of his career and abused him, she then wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post claiming Depp was a wife beater, even when she was the real abuser, in 2022 Depp sued her for defamation and won but attempts to make everyone feel bad because her dog stepped on a bee.

Amber turd also assaulted her ex girlfriend, tasya van Ree.

by Yesdaddy123 June 3, 2022

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Amber Alert

When your girlfriend takes a dump in your bed (like Amber Heard did to Johnny Depp).

She really took a shit in your bed? Dude, Amber Alert.

by Retired Farmer July 13, 2020

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Amber Jack

When you turn your dick a vibrant shade of orange from sitting around all day watching porn, jacking off and eating bags of Cheetos.

I think it's permanently orange now braaaaahhh. I've don't nothing but amber jack all spring break.

by Eaton Holgoode March 22, 2017

Amber whore

A lying whore who fucks any guy she can, who is STD infected and fucks other women's men, also cant handle to be in a relationship with anyone else without cheating on them. she'll fuck anything that moves, she lies about everything, she loves Sugar Daddies, she loves to be cyber whore and show tits to ugly men who are unable to get any woman,

Amber whore? Don't fuck her, she is infected slut

by Jameswits April 6, 2020