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dirty brody

A sex act popular in central Wisconsin between one guy and two girl. The guy starts having sex with one girl, but pulls out just prior to orgasm. He then enters the second girl and ejaculates inside her.

Dude, Miranda was totally on the receiving end of a Dirty Brody last night!

by Centurion69420 July 25, 2017

49πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

dirty larissa

A gorgeous woman that will punch you in the face during sex

β€œShe really dirty Larissa’d me in bed last night! I’ll have this black eye for 2 weeks!”

by sadasahoe March 29, 2020

49πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Dom

When a man takes so much ketamine they lose feeling of their body below the waist.
They then proceed to fuck a girl but do not realise how much damage they are doing due to the loss of feeling in the lower body resulting in the destruction of a female and a friends mums bed.

Did you hear about that girl who got Dirty Dommed??”
β€œYeah man, she ended up looking like a Katsu curry”
β€œYeah she looked like she’d been beaten with a microwave”

by MicrowavesAreWeapons April 8, 2020

56πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

dirty andretti

whe driving your car and receiving oral sex, you lock the steering wheel down on the back of their head so they cannot come up

I gave Amy a Dirty Andretti while driving to see my parents.

by Brian O. May 4, 2005

152πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

The Dirty Valdez

When Big Oil ass rapes an entire region then smears the toxic remains over several hundred miles creating a mustache or Dirty Valdez.

In 1989 Exxon gave Alaska The Dirty Valdez because a future governor would not abort her love child.

by pubesforpetrolem June 13, 2010

28πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

dirty florian

When you knock a girl out with a dickslap, after sticking it up her ass, and therefor leave a mustache of shit on her upper lip

Is Kristin coming to school today?
No, she feels unpleasant because, I did a dirty florian on her yesterday.

by Dirty_Benjadin December 2, 2019

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

dirty paolo

the act of having sex with woman in the bathroom of an italian restaurant, wearing only a pink polo-type shirt with a heavily starched and popped collar, as she proceeds to pick up small rocks of cocaine off the moist floor underneath the urinal, rub it on her nipples, and scream out a comment involving pizza.

"What did she scream out when you gave her that dirty paolo?"

"Here's the pepperoni on your pizza, you minderaser..."

by Wisc N. Corner November 12, 2006

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž