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Senior Queen

n. Elderly whisperer; someone loved by the elderly; able to talk about coupons for days, son!

"You're looking at a Senior Queen", Amy declared to Rosa in unsubstantiated confidence.

by fcsuper July 27, 2023

Churchlands senior high school

Dirty overcrowded school that is full of terrible students that like to graffiti anything they can, make messes and vape.
Has an overpriced canteen that is filled with dry food

Churchlands students can't walk quickly in hallways.
Churchlands senior high school, a place filled with assholes, vapers, graffiti and an overpriced selection of everything.
Churchlands sushi is drier than your nan's pussy

by Peakgayperformace September 3, 2023

senior speed

Moving at the speed of a drowning turtle to excessively important events

i wish my mom would stop with the senior speed bullshit or find someone on speed. love isnt enough in democracy.

by Cody5050 January 10, 2021

senior shopper

A high school underclassman who exclusively dates seniors 18+.

When D started dating B, everyone realized she was a senior shopper.

by cupps April 10, 2024

thats so senior

Something that wouls be described as ferda, or cool

Mark: “yo wanna go nail some chicks at a party tonight?”
Kyle: “hell yeah dude thats so senior”

by Yeetboiundefeated October 31, 2022

Harding Senior High

A school in Saint Paul, Minnesota where fake asian gangsters who pretend to be drug addicts. They get their asses whooped in all sports, especially football. The entire school is filled with dopeheads.

You go to Harding Senior High? Let’s stop talking.

by sorrymomimonurbandictionary November 9, 2019

senior missionary position

Missionary position with legs wide and knees up close, females hands gripping the man’s thighs so he doesn’t pull out early.

Jim, are your grandparents Mormon? Steve saw them hittin’ The senior missionary position last week.

by Mischooti March 26, 2019