Source Code

iceberg pile-driver

The receiver floats in a briskly cool body of water. The nipples must be fully erect prior to this maneuver. Meanwhile, the penetrator begins to climb upon any platform at least three meters above the surface level of the water. A perfectly timed dismount from the elevated surface will result in a deep, powerful insertion.

With Rose's body lying in the Atlantic Ocean, Leonardo performs the ultimate iceberg pile-driver from the upper deck of the Titanic

by daddydev October 12, 2013

Saskatchewan Designated Driver

Among a group of people who have all been drinking, the person who's had the least amount to drink, no matter how much that may be, becomes the official designated driver for the night.

Originates in the hard-drinking province of Saskatchewan on the prairies in western Canada.

Danny only had eight beers last night so when we went to the bar, he was the Saskatchewan Designated Driver.

by WesternCanadianProud April 12, 2006

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Bus driver butt

A persons bottom that is pronounced as a result of long-time exposure to sitting.

Typically the buttocks is rounded around the hips and presents a flatter gluteal.

Zaviers mom has a bus driver butt!

by Jaytoven October 10, 2019

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Thanking the bus driver

Eating a girl out.

Angie: I'm sinning.
Gil: Thanking the bus driver?

Angie: No Johns thanking the bus driver.

by APmax July 29, 2018

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Tow Truck Driver

A person that requires very little sleep. Fueled by caffeine, nicotine and crude humor. Often working 6-12 days straight without off time. Thrives in bad weather and drives into it while others drive away, Enjoys listening to people complain about their 9-5 jobs and how their hours are to hard.

Oh you crashed your car into a ditch at 3am in the snow? Don't worry call the Tow Truck Driver, they never sleep anyways.

by Nivek November 4, 2017

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Designated Drunk Driver

The guy with the best motor-skills and coordination under the influence of a lot of alcohol out of all the dudes you hang out with. You depend on this guy to to drive you home when all of you are wasted and you trust him with your life. He should be able to take like 20 brews and still drive you back to base without a fatal accident or getting pulled over.

Since we all planed on drinking we decided that Arlen would be the designated drunk driver because he drove back to the city that one night without dying after drinking 15 shots of vlady.

by Kurt Grendel January 30, 2008

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iowa pile driver

An act where you take a shit in someone elseโ€™s asshole.

Man I gotta take a shit! Bend over bitch Iโ€™m gonna give you an Iowa pile driver.

by TwiztedSnowman June 23, 2019