once once has made a public spectacle of one's self extra ignorant of the underpinning of the interweb certain inconvenient definitions begin to self propagate not much unlike alien mold
trying to remove any rebound harry crump Ler definitioning from urban dictionary will re-trigger the streisand effect
Remaking your definition until it’s accepted is exactly that
It is to recreate the same thing again because it didn’t appear and you really want it to
Person:I can’t seem to remaking your definition until it’s accepted
Some people looked at this definition and let it be a part of the website. People had the choice to vote against this yet decided not to. I have the most shitty sense of humor but so do at least a few other people. thank you.
I got voters to let this be a definition haha lol
The MANY bad definitions and failed words created and published on this site.
Many of these can be seen on this site.
Much of the time the word and definition are not a word or definition at all. They're
A. Something about sex.
B. Something about how much they hate religion.
C. Something racist.
D. A conjunction of words without an understanding of phonetics or language or
E. Something that makes not even a modicum of sense but get's posted anyway because some people want to express themselves with nothing creative, original or intelligent to express.
God,Several Joint Liability,black,black people,prolebrity,Lap Hog,dorkus malorkus,woman are examples of (FUDD)Failed urban dictionary definitions.
3👍 2👎
the worst urban dictionary definition ever
7👍 5👎
Ok, if you see a definition by God, click the name. At time of writing, he/she/it/group has 531 definitions, I have 559 plus whatever I've done today, which probably takes me up to 575-580 mark.
Fuck yea! I'm spreadin' dem poison rude bwoyh!
3👍 27👎
when urbandictionary.com make u sign in
I hate this website it keeps saying "please sign in to vote and post new definitions."
45👍 1👎