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Just a massive twat who will go out with the same girl 9 times who is often called maddie

Usually a complete boomer and with information rape you at the worst times

That guy over there just told me a stupid fact

Yeah hes a toby

by Ohhh my godddd January 30, 2020


The most dumb ass motherfucker ever. He probably shits his pants every day. He is a retard and has no friends.

Bro don't go next to TOBY EWWWWW.

by Kim Jong NOT NICE February 13, 2018


Smells like ass

Toby smells today!

by Tobyhater February 1, 2022



Toby is an excellent human being

by Porky Blunder April 6, 2023


Toby’s are the best. Find you a Toby. That tall blonde haired son of a bitch is smart as fuck too. Toby gets bitches too. If you asked all of Toby’s friends who their best friend was, they would all say Toby. But Toby won’t tell them where he ranks them. Toby is a different breed of human.

Honey can we name him Toby?

No Karen, he’s a boring fuck

by Sanders1234567 October 20, 2022


Sexiest kient out, every girl wants him, he's athletic and great at everything!

Girl. Dammnnn i wanna fuck toby sooo bad
Girls 2. me too, we could have a threesome!!

by fijounda October 15, 2018


a toby is someone with anger issues

hey there toby punching his chromebook

by duumbitchh May 4, 2019