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A women that has a only fans, fansly, many vids, etc

Don't worry about it bro that pussy is public.

by Integrityviolation May 9, 2024

public rut

People that go to a public school but hang out with the private school kids merely because they wish they had the same lifestyle

Person 1: Why does Jane always hang around people from our school? Person 2: Oh, you know she can't afford our school. She's stuck in the public rut.

by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011

public rut

People that go to a public school but hang out with the private school kids merely because they wish they had the same lifestyle

Person 1: Why does Jane always hang around people from our school? Person 2: Oh, you know she can't afford our school. She's stuck in the public rut.

by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011

Loudoun County Public Schools

A school district located west of Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. It is a suburban district with some urban and rural areas. It is apparently one of the best and richest school districts in the country and is developing.

I attend Fairfax County Public Schools and some of my friends are moving to Loudoun County Public Schools.

by 1234567890abcdefghij September 10, 2020

[public jammin]

listening to blaring music, usually hip-hop, in public.

i heard "a millie" come on in the car, and i coulden't help but to start public jammin!

by Capp Attack and Lizzy-Fresh!!! August 25, 2008

public events associate

(n.) Someone who picks up horse shit at a parade

The public events associate was responsible for cleaning up after the clydesdales after the fourth of july parade was finished.

by middie xo4 May 1, 2011

Public Slugging

A combination of sexual fetishises including the likes of public exhibition and cum play.

Can be performed alone but more acceptable with a partner.

Ex1 - Nichole and mathew test drove a new Toyota when Nichole felt the urge to slug Mathew off, she aimed his spring loaded nose slapper and let that baby yoghurt fly all over the centre console, then returned the uncleaned savvy little rav4 complete with an added touch of shimmering shine.

Ex2- Matt and Nic had passionate anal sex in a target change room, matt pulled out for nichole to finish him all over a steel grey Grandeur Bath Towel, which was then placed delicately back on display

. - public slugging at its finest

by Blockerchelli July 27, 2024