Source Code

School Bathrooms

The WORST THING IN SCHOOL, There’s paper everywhere and there’s a chance of piss being on the floor, And the doors are broken and the school doesn’t do shit! If the doors are broken, There’s a high chance of someone opening it and accidentally seeing your ass or your junk. Also the toilets will be occasionally disgusting af. And last but not least, People will try and see you while you just wanna piss or shit in peace!

school bathrooms are a no

by Pxprobotvidz September 2, 2022

bathroom bravery

The sense that one is ready to face and dominate the world after they have taken care of their hygiene and whatever else before stepping out and facing whatever comes their way after exiting the bathroom - ANY bathroom.

Dominic had taken care of all of his hygienic duties and had a mild laugh of assertiveness while embracing his sense of bathroom bravery. Within seconds of him exiting the party's bathroom, he was mocked for his socks, jeered at for his bucket hat, and spit on for his mustard yellow pants. He was a mess and catastrophe all around. He pissed himself.

by von groovy July 26, 2024

bad boy bathroom

Bathroom located in bar used to consume illicit drugs ie. Cocaine.

'Oh Keith? Ya he's right lit up. Been hitting the sinus sauce all night in the bad boy bathroom'

by Thief Ledger October 6, 2018

bathroom counter trick

When a girl takes a picture of her behind sitting on the counter to make her butt look nicer.

Bella's ass looked so nice with the bathroom counter trick.

by Ursxbkufvkufb June 19, 2017

airplane bathroom

A codeword the U.S military says when they are pulling out of operation territory and they are air-striking all of the bathrooms.

*clik* Airplane Bathroom!, repeat, Airplane Bathroom!*clik*

by EenBeen June 13, 2020

Pool Bathroom

A place to have sex.

A place to pee, if you haven't gone in the pool yet.

He was tappin that in the pool bathroom.

by dormanbabyy2010 June 18, 2008

Bathroom Air Freshener Phenomenom

The phenomenon that, no matter how good something is, if you mix it with something bad for long enough, you'll eventually associate it negatively.

Derived from how great air freshener smells in the store, but by the time you've used it to cover up 20 odd poops in the bathroom, you'll forever associate the smell with poop and will hate it.

Jane: Hey Laura, where are them fantastic shoes you bought a few months back?

Laura: Yeah they succumbed to the Bathroom Air Freshener Phenomenom. I wore them round Stu's house too many times. Now when I look at them they look sad and pathetic, so I dumped them when I dumped him.


Her: Didn't you used to like Love Actually?

Him: Yeah but after watching The Walking Dead 3 seasons too long, I now can't look at Andrew Lincoln without hearing that goddam accent.

by tain london December 25, 2022