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political correctness

The biggest excuse since canned cheese.

"We can't have movies like Blazing Saddles, or shows like Monty Python of Beavis & Butthead because of political correctness!! >.< watch, if I put up some movie with fucked-up humor, it'll be taken off not because it's racist or stupid or anything, but because of politics!!! >_<"

by Dave January 15, 2004

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politically correct

A polite way of telling people to stop being ignorantly rude.

You can't call people niggers because of their color, it's not politically correct.

by CoEvolution August 6, 2016

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Political suicide

(To commit ): to do anything and everything possible to sabotage your own political future.

Making stupid mistakes and decisions during your political campaign, even before your gain the office you are running for, is also considered political suicide

by Sexydimma March 27, 2021

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assonant for Greek "hoi polloi", i.e. the common people: these are affluent ex-urban Euros, Amer/Can/Aus/Kiwi etc, who, because they have some nice hedge-funds & pricey real-estate, can patronise the indigent and disadvantaged at a distance by throwing money and prosey faux-Christian liberal doctrine at them. Most have never even SEEN the inside of a soup-kitchen live, let alone EATEN in one voluntarily.

A:My Godess! Cousin Brianna's parents gave her a new Prius as a graduation present, so she could do bread-runs for the food coop.

B: Okay, that's it.... we've lost our sister to the white-polites.

by tumor humour January 6, 2010

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Political juggernaut

An individual who is very skilled at debating politics and issues related to it, but the tactics they employ to win arguments are often quite brutal and disrespectful.

Karen: Hey. You look like you are stressed out. What is wrong?
Ezio: I got into a disagreement with Gary. He is interesting to talk to sometimes about politics because of how passionate he is about it; but often times he is so determined to win political disagreements that he can become very cruel and inconsiderate of how other people feel about the issue.
Karen: He sounds like he is a political juggernaut.

by Vanguard 1998 June 20, 2021

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poop politics

An established set of rules and appropriate actions to be taken following a discharge of feces during anal intercourse. Usually decided at the moment of said discharge; clean-up is generally accepted to be the responsibility of the pooper. However, poopee must remain cool, calm and collected at all times to ensure the emotion stability of said pooper.

Ignatius: So we were fucking last night and all of a sudden he shits all over my dick!

Francine: Oh my god what were the poop politics of that situation?!

by poopyprincess January 29, 2011

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political deity


In the entire history of the United States of America there has never been a more corrupt, irresponsible, self-serving, universally disrespectful and superlative victim/grift-meister than DJ Trump; how anyone with even rudimentary critical thinking skills or an agenda marginally outside of internally conflicting confirmation-bias embarrassment could envision this sociopathic narcissist as some form of political deity is beyond comprehension. Sometimes a piece of shit is just a piece of shit no matter how hard you wish it wasnโ€™t; it just is, and believing or wishing something different just make you look like a dumbass.

by YAWA July 19, 2023

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