A former gf or girl you knew when you were in school. She still lives in the same area and so when you're back in town, you visit her for casual sex.
Ranks between the side bitch and jump-off in terms of social obligations.
Terry: I'm going to my parents this weekend and maybe have a coffee with Eleanor as well.
Doug: She's your hoe back?
Terry: No, she's my ex. It's just coffee, period.
Doug: You misspelled hoe back.
Hoe backs will ruin your life with sexcapades and fuckamucking
Hoe back no thank you
When a homosexual man attempts to turn his unsuspecting bros while camping in the mountains
I didnt realize one of my bros was gay until we went camping and he got all bro-back mountain on my ass.
An awesome guy who just so happens to have a 12 inch penis
Bro Backes is hung like a horse
reaching sexual climax but immediately afterwards going back in, for seconds, if you will.
"I don't care bitch! I'm Going Back For Seconds!"
Pay-back-ism is a term used by thugs/187 empire meaning the opposite of revenge-ism more of just compensation and maybe a little more then just payback more like a reckoning- ism :go to definition in Urban
I don't care if they know or not but it's about time for some pay-back-ism you down
( originating from 'the male cave' described in John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus):
A nicer or more offensive way-depending on the context- telling someone ' please don't talk to me right now.
Emily: Carl we can't afford to live in this apartment anymore, we need more income.
Carl: Emily go back to your cave, I'll have to think about how to best handle your request. I have to think about how to get a better paying job.