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The Rumpty-Dump originated as a dance hit in the 50s age. It grew popular among young, rebellious, white teens. This rage was spread to Hispanics, and later on African Americans. While no longer popular, whenever the children of the 50s hear the nostalgic tune and the lyrics "Hands in the air, do a backwards jump, clap 5 times, do the Rumpty-Dump!!" the feeling is magical.

"Why, Rumpty-Tom, let's spread the word about the newest dance craze, the Rumpty-Dump!"

"Oh, Rumpty-Manda, how wonderful! We can skip, do the Rumpty-Dump, eat white-only apple pie, and dance in the rain!"

by Rumpty-Manda May 11, 2008

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Satanic Dump

Taking a massive dump on someones chest then lighting it on fire. You then savour the delicious smell and then begin to run your genitalia in it.


Ryan Bosch of Lee, NH burned his penis skin off by giving his friend Jay Garrity a Satanic Dump.

by Felipe November 28, 2004

43๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

take a dump

The best way to lose weight.

Man I lost 10 pounds from taking a dump yesterday.

by www.eternalsoldiers.net September 2, 2003

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dumping bandit

To take a crap at someones place and then leave.

Matt came to my house and left like the dumping bandit.

by Luap Sille March 7, 2005

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power dump

To forcefully release a large turd, often splashing the toilet water on your anus or testicles.

I took a power dump and splashed my balls.

by Enigmanic May 10, 2009

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weekend dump

the abnormally large poop you have to take after spending the weekend at a place with no bathroom facilities, or at a girlfriend's house.

i spent the weekend at christy's, but didn't wanna shit at her house, so i took a huge weekend dump when i got back.

by Mr. Venhooker June 3, 2007

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trucker dump

A shit that not only clogs your toilet, but the neighbor's as well.

See "Steve"

The bathroom was never the same after Shawna's trucker dump.

by billyjoejimbobfrank December 22, 2005

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