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Faux Shui

Fake or alternative version of Feng Shui. May be spread like a meme (such as Feng Shui itself), or may be perpetrated (as a crime) upon fad-following wannabes who have more enthusiasm than intelligence.

Also, the concept of interior design moreover.

An American investigative television program exposed several so-called Feng Shui experts using hidden cameras which revealed that these lack-luster furniture arrangers were nothing more than Faux Shui con artists who could do nothing to improve the appearance or function of the space.

by FuzzyBS July 4, 2011

Faux Boheme

The lifestyle of a young adult who would be a hipster if they were a little more hip.

He's just living la vie faux boheme.

by FBoheme October 14, 2010

Faux Fart

When all typical gaseous characteristics are met and one approaches the release of said gas in the form of a flatulent (ˈfärt - verb) but they ultimately end up releasing diarrhea instead. The faux fart phenomenon is most commonly reported after significant alcohol consumption when ones fine motor skills are impaired. Although data has not yet surfaced to support the claim, it is believed that the Faux Fart is the #1 cause of underwear loss.

Remember last night when I drank those 40’s of Old English 800? I must have been drunker than I thought cuz I guessed wrong on a the Faux Fart.

Jimmy thought he was going to drop a loud ass bomb, but he ended up tossing his underwear in the garbage due to a Faux Fart.

by A. Massey October 4, 2020

Faux Load

A seemingly real, but fake load, of cum. Usually created while receiving oral sex when ejaculate "appears" to be produced, usually in the or around the females face or mouth. This ejaculate can be excused as fake, or faux, to prevent angry or sometimes hostile emotions.

"I didn't cum on your face baby, that's just a faux load. Don't worry!"

by cwc.bbc September 23, 2011

faux fall

When it isn’t summer but it’s too hot for fall. Faux Fall🍂🍃

The calendar says the season changed to fall, stores are advertising cozy sweaters, everything pumpkin spiced and football games but it’s still a sweltering 90 degrees out, that’s Faux Fall, y’all. ☀️🥵

by Saltyseagal October 4, 2020


Someone who submits fake phrases or words to urban dictionary in order to win arguments.

Bruce tried to prove that kick the cat was a real phrase by sending us a link to Urban Dictionary...but we ALL know he submitted that entry himself. He is such a faux-urbanizer!

by Mama Wheelie November 11, 2015

faux horn

a hairstyle that occurs when a faux hawk goes wrong, and instead of imitating a mohawk, it ends up more reminiscent of a horn, giving the wearer the appearance of a unicorn.

have you seen billy's hair today? he said it was a faux hawk but it looks more like a faux horn

by mmiikkii March 20, 2008