Source Code

Lane Pirate

A skilled driver who takes space at will from other drivers on the road. A rogue commander of the asphalt high seas.

"I know exactly how to position myself against a lane pirate. Aargh."

by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006

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Facebook Pirate

Individual that proceeds to steal everything you post on your facebook wall and post it on their wall without giving any credit thus taking all the glory of your genius.

That bitch is such a facebook pirate.. he stole my Lady Gaga video AGAIN and now he has 30 comments and I only have 4.

by justincolt April 14, 2011

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Kayak Pirate

A thief who, in lacking finances and/or friends, has decided to resort to pirating, but can only afford a small sized personal-water craft, namely a kayak, or a canoe. A step down from "Jet Ski Pirate"

Thief: dude, bill guess what?

Thief 2: What?

Thief: I got us a boat, man, were pirates now!

Thief 2: SWEET DUDE, yes!!! this i--its a kayak...

Thief: yes, i couldnt afford the ship, sooo were kayak pirates now

Thief 2: *Leaves*

by KaYaKpIrAtE January 21, 2010

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oyster pirate

a guy who goes down in a girl while she's asleep.

Brian's an especially creepy oyster pirate. he actually prefers it when his girlfriend doesn't wake up when he gives her a face job at four in the morning.

by badkorea July 23, 2010

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Salty Pirate

A Guy is Jerkin it into some broads face. He Skeet's (shoots his load) directly into her eye. Therefore she's temporarly or permanently blind in that eye (depends on how good of a shot one made). now your pirate has one eye, just like having an eyepatch. The next step is to give her a swift kick to the shin. this will cause her to hobble about franticly ( just like a pirate with a wooden leg on his ship ). This part is what everyone is forgetting (because they don't know what salty pirating is all about ) ,YOU NEED SOUND EFFECTS!. the "Yaarrrhhh" commonly used for pirate type speech is produced when you give her an unnexpected Karate Chop to the throat. So by now you'll have a Girl hopping about with one eye yelling in a piraty voice. try to get a quick picture with your camera phone or if your phone (like mine) has video then video the whole process. Make sure to run away cause pirates are nasty!

-"Do you mind if i give you a Salty Pirate?"

-"Dude, i gave your ex-girlfriend the Salty Pirate! That'll teach her for dumping you!"

by Editor of UB! April 7, 2006

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the pirate song

A song made by a person named Alex

Its very cool and its very basic but it still sounds good.

Theres a bunch of variations on it and soon there will be a rock version of it.

"Im a pirate! A motherfucking pirate!"

-holy shit the pirate song is awesome!

by Namino neitou sama October 15, 2007

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gook pirate

Are non-existent because Asians cant grow facial hair.

Billdo: "Dude i swear i saw a gook pirate today!!"

Steve: -head slap- "Everyone knows Asians cant grow facial hair!!"

by skinface73 March 29, 2010

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