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oral receipts

When you don't actual receipts but you got intel via oral receipts.

ME: I believe you. It's time to break up with him..

by dxniel.xngel February 8, 2019

Oral Bee

Famous Norwegian rapper, multiple styles, Most notably G-funk. Also author, producer - part of the prod. Group: Da Playboy Foundation.

Feathured in US on Baby Bash’s ‘Tha Smokin’ Nephew’ - Image of Pimp. And also on North Coast Rain by Bullet.

Ron: - Hey wanna listen to some Oral Bee while we’re bawlin’ through the hood?

Babar: - Yeah, maybe later.

by Eojot January 18, 2018


KomTèks-Oral, is the French/Creole Style of Texte Oral, a ompositions that combine Haitian Kompa and Beat music with spoken text.

It can including poetry readings, prose monologues and comedy routines.

Charactetized by Electromechanical Instrument which include:
Electric keyboards/Keyrar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Synthesisors, Electrical Bass, EWI (Electronic Wing Instrument), repeated riffs, Flute and violin, Backing track, samples sounds, and Spoken Text

Yo son! I just watched this KomTèks-Oral song on Youtube a few minutes ago, it kinda sounder like poetry recited aloud over music -the words really stood out, though none of them rhymed.

by Negre Marron Records November 2, 2018

Oral thunder

Getting a forceful deep throat that causes the balls to "clap" in an thunderous manor.

My balls are practically destroyed after Susan gave me oral thunder

by Thundernuttter August 19, 2017

oral call

When You call someone up with the intention of only receiving or giving oral, similar to booty call but no vaginal or anal penetration

Jay called me just to get head, like an oral call.

by Tonsil Hockey Lover March 9, 2015

Oral Obligation

Not being able to turn down a kiss after receiving oral sex.

Shit man, she gave me head but I forgot about Oral Obligation.

The thing on every man's mind after receiving head is oral obligation.

My boyfriend is so weird about Oral Obligation, now I make out with him for 20 minutes after Oral on purpose!

by ObviousDailyLingo January 26, 2016

oral tradition

A long history of giving blowjobs dat dates far back into one's ancestry.

If a guy is bashful about letting a girl suck on his juicy cock, she could try wheedling him by explaining dat it's a long-standing oral tradition in her family, and thus she would not want to break said "heritage".

by QuacksO July 30, 2024