well raping a lion you grab his cub and use your shit covered dick to make a mark on his forehead
Dude 1 i saw a lion today
dude 2 did you lion king him
dude 1 yes
A person who eats zebra cakes.
Hey do you want zebra cakes?
No! im not a lion cake!
Toothless, overweight trailer park denizens who have found some small semblance of life purpose through an artificial affinity to the Detroit Lions football team. Primarily high school dropouts and meth addicts, these miscreants come clad in bright blue and silver-colored costumes meant to advertise their allegiance to a team they've never paid to see. Fond of denigrating other NFC North teams for supposed inferior concessions, the Walmart Lion is a rare example of the undereducated aping the customs of the snobbish "elite."
Yeah, he hates the Bears, but don't worry, he's just a burger-flipping Walmart Lion with a GED from Costco.
The 2023 NFC North Champions. Not as bad as they used to be.
Fantasy Player: "Hey, who should I have as my defense this week?"
Other Fantasy Player: "The Detroit Lions."
Also Mighty Iron Lion. Often used to refer to the Holden V8, most commonly known as a 308 or 304.
"I got a 1998 Holden VT Series 1 SS Commodore manual, the last one with the iron lion!"
A day filled with laying around and occasionally grunting...
Katie and Texas had a serious Sea lion Sunday last week...
What you tattoo on your own back so people know not to mess with you. WARNING: Could be mistaken for a butt with a wig playing the oboe.
Person 1: That's a lion with a baseball bat
Person 2: Kinda looks like a butt with a wig playing the oboe.