its just slang for "What The Fuck??!!!"
1: Hey did your fish drown after the dog flew?
2: What The Shrog is you talkin about??
A random kid said during a elevator when an older man said to him he was gonna touch him in a meme.
Adult: It's just you and me now, Im gonna touch you
Kid: Alright dude, what the flip.
a phrase from the popular meme, where 2 guys are in an elevator and the one recording says 'i'm gonna touch you' and the other says 'alright dude, what the flip'
"just you and me now... i'm gonna touch you"
"alright dude, what the flip"
Person 1: Well, I assumed, ok?!
Person 2: You know what happens when you assume...
Person 2: You make an ass out of U and me.
Person 3: Why you gotta be so mean to Ume??
Person 1: Shut the FUC
Something Italians say to someone who said something stupid.
Person 1: Stupid fucking Italian.
Italian: Wop what?
NAH STOP SEARCHING WEIRD STUFF ._. ' and ` is the same thing AAAAAAA great now you typed what is ' and ` ('_') (`_`)
a synonym for what the f**k or what the hell or what the heck. abbreviated as "wtz"
random person: "i was driving around and i saw a squirrel!!"
you: what the zee?
"WHAT THE ZEE where did my ipod go?!?"