Source Code

Connor Smith

Connor is a name used for a person who is a complete simp and has a small peen

Damn, thank god im not a Connor Smith fam. Let’s send one out to the homies.

by yEEEeeetus April 17, 2020

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Connor hodson

An all round dickhead.
He thinks he can get away with lies (lying bastard) he thinks he is proper solid because he had a bit of weed once or twice.
Lispy cunt gets battered by midgets and spotty geezers who don’t wear their coat right. Goes to cadets but is shit and pushes his luck wants to shag maam horny bastard.

Connor hodsons a fat twat.

by Wehateconnor December 6, 2019

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Connor K

(N.)Tall Curly Hair Kid. Very Smart and Accelerated Student, and Hangs with Anthony's and Alison's and Is very Nice.. and Has an afro maybe :D

"They guy is a Connor K?"

by anthony_cool1 February 1, 2009

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Connor Ward

A guy who currently has a tiny penis in life and has to be enabled to go to a penis extender. If currently wearing glasses he is known as a specifour eyes and if so he is the dumbest of the all, if friending this friend he can be a quality friend but some of the times the chips fall onto the ground and sodium cloride falls ontop meaning that he smells like bleach. He loves to be a wannabe princess and currently doesn't have enough money to buy a penis enlargement.

Connor Ward is a Ching Chong Pou, Needs Money For His Pee Pee.

by It'sYaBoiDJD April 22, 2017

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Connor Oberst

A common mispelling of Bright Eyes' Conor Oberst's first name. Many 'real' fans are of the opinion that if you dont know how to spell his name you are either ignorant, a teenie or mentally incompetent. Only real fans know how to spell, duh!

Other variations include Conner, Coner and Colin.

Fake Fan : 'I personally think Cassadaga is the best thing Connor Oberst has done. What do you all think?'

Real Fans : 'FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!'

by cawnerr September 27, 2007

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Connor Francis

Connor Francis is a name a to a man boy with a distinct and obvious aversion to telling the truth. Connor Francis will lie about any given subject with no regard for consequence or reason. Connor Francis is not to be taken seriously under any circumstances, in fact a Connor Francis is really a Connor Inman. hes just lying about his name.

Girl 1 - "i got a new boyfriend, hes called connor francis and hes 18"
Girl 2 - "erm no, hes called connor inman and hes 15.....and gay."

by Expecto-Patronum August 15, 2011

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To receive a connor-kelly is to get a practice blowjob

that girl Molly just gave out a connor-kelly. Six times in one weekend.

by anyssa75 November 11, 2008

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