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Bipolar disorder hoarder

A person with bipolar disorder who does not take their medication and goes postal on anyone for anything. Although delutional they are know it alls. They also quote the bible constantly ,also suffering from being a bible thumper, telling everyone they are going to hell even though they were a prostitute,crackhead and a bad mother to the extent that all of their children were taken away and adopted into proper homes. They are often born again Christians.

Dang she's a bipolar disorder hoarder,she needs to take her meds

by Fake it till ya make it May 30, 2015

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Recession Attention Disorder

Condition resulting from months of doing the work of 4. Exacerbated by repeated taskus interuptus

Your brain is like a shaken lava lamp. Your planning and decision making functions are like those of a squirrel in traffic.

Treatment: If you cannot manage a week on a beach, a quick fix would be to lay on your front lawn in a fetal position for as long as it takes to re-focus.

If I work another weekend I will develop a full-blown case of Recession Attention Disorder

by teeceeTO July 10, 2010

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Burster MFG Disorder

A disorder manifested in a person who believes they are always right, and casually plagiarizes and sucks other commentators off.

I heard Derek had a bit of Burster MFG Disorder, if you get what I'm saying.

by AssBurgerRap April 21, 2019

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Cinematic Defecit Disorder

Cinematic Defecit Disorder, commonly known as CDD, is a unfortunate disease that continues to plague moviegoers each and every single day. It lobotomizes their tastes in film, to the point where they're beyond redemption. Please stop CDD :(

Person #1: Collateral was a kickass movie. Tom Cruise gave the performance of his career.
Person #2: Collateral sucked, it was boring. Go see Anacondas instead.
Person #1: -_-

by VGerX2001 September 3, 2004

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Attention Defecit Disorder

A.D.D.;- Yet another illness some do-gooders have come up with as an excuse for the actions of today's ignorant, non-caring, couldn't-give-a-shit, benefit-grabbing, fuckwit youths.

Me; Is there a valid reason why you can't work and you're such a sponging loser?
Spotty pizza-faced youth;- I have Attention Defecit Disorder, you bastard! **manages to focus attention for three days on play-station, drugs, alcohol and signing for benefit**

by The English Gent November 1, 2007

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Primal Fuck Disorder

After Sex, a man starts to channel his inner primal instincts and begins acting like a wild primate. This usually results in the man going out and having sex with as many women as he sees and beating up anyone he sees as competition. The man is not in control when in this state, thus why it is a disorder. This disease proves there is a link between humans and apes.

Phil: Poor Josh... he beat up a guy to the point of death and fucked dozens of chicks while screaming like an ape!

Peter: He doesn’t have what I think he has, right?
Phil: Yes... He has the Primal Fuck Disorder or PFD for short

by Derkadurr February 9, 2019

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Obsessive Comsmashive Disorder

Illness of the mind in which case you have the unrestrainable urge to beat, break and or smash anything and everything within striking distance, usually acquired when hardcore gaming or while in severely tense or frustrating situations.

don't be near someone when the rage off in there Obsessive Comsmashive Disorder

by Scrin February 5, 2009

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