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chicken cute

chicken cute is when something or someone is cute just not adorable.

like how a chicken can be cute but your not gonna cuddle with it on the couch

Yea Bobby is chicken cute but he’s not adorable

by juicy spey April 21, 2020

Funky chicken

When a sexual partner jerks their partner off by placing the penis in the crook of their arm and moving up and down, looking like a chicken trying to fly

Becky wasnt down with going all the way but she gave me the ol funky chicken.

by Derfleduermaus February 22, 2019

Chicken off the bone

A vulgar description of a fine ass women.

That girl is chicken off the bone.

by DoubleK2 February 11, 2017

Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich

Made with that RATMEAT (it be hitting though)

Bert: Where’s my motherfucking RATMEAT?
Yohan: It’s in your Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich

by RATMEAT!! December 20, 2019

chicken fiesta

Chicken Fiesta is the PG way of saying clusterfuck

That PTA meeting was a real chicken fiesta.

by floobis August 23, 2019

Le chicken the grapes

so I went to the park and my sister at home walked in the green and filed and I was going to drive back home so walking around my house I pet my dog that ate fish and his pal mug man and his pal mug man

le chicken the grapes the yes the what
“What are you even saying”

by Yes the no January 20, 2021

chicken eye

When a chicken spots a bug on the ground and cocks it's head to look at it with one eye just before it pecks it up for a meal. "Giving someone the chicken eye"

When I told that story, all I got was a chicken eye. I think they didn't believe me!

by Jyrocharlie March 3, 2024