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Smog balls

When a woman inhales a cigarette then blows the smoke on a man's sweaty balls before she licks them .

I love to lick smog balls because they taste like a salty ash tray .

by bratcat420 June 21, 2013

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Balls Time

Extreme courage and valor in any given situation.

Ronald Speirs of the US Army during WWII who ran through German infantry, artillery, and armor to join up with I Company. Only to then run through all that again to rejoin back with E Company. Balls Time.

by Lord Djem So March 19, 2009

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Ball Collapse

When a man ejaculates the human body holds back to maintain the oval shape of the balls. When you shoot it all out, you create a vacuum, thus you have ball collapse. This often occurs in the presence of an excess of pussy.

"Jesus christ, back in the 70's when I was over Rick James house. I got so much ass I caught a case of Ball Collapse."

"Women be talking shit, men don't know nothing about pain! Women have babies! I be like bitch, YOU don't know about pain. I've had ball collapse. They don't have epidural for that." - Charlie Murphy

by Agracoots May 13, 2009

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balls up

In current usage, any disastrous situation. The balls referred to are NOT testicles. The term dates from the days of wooden sailing ships when the existence of a shipboard disaster, such as plague, lack of food or water, mutiny, etc. was communicated to the outside world by hoisting large-ish, brightly painted wooden balls up into the rigging. Balls of different colors represented different disasters and therefore served as either requests for assistance or warnings to stay clear.

Ed: What a complete Balls Up!
Ted: You said it.

by Paul Dellechiaie January 2, 2008

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deck the balls

1) To festoon one's testicles with colored lights, evergreen garlands, and tiny Christmas ornaments

2) To punch Santa Claus in the nuts for shortchanging you last Christmas

1) I wanted to make my girlfriend feel merry in the bedroom this Christmas so I decided to deck the balls.

2) In spite of being a good boy, Santa gave me nothing but a pack of underwear last Christmas, so this year I'm gonna wait in ambush in front of the fireplace so that I can deck the balls.

by chadsuperhero December 9, 2013

Rolled a ball

Is when you sit down and your balls roll around each other kinda like those Chinese stress relief balls you roll in your hand

I was so stoked to look at some porn before my parents got home and a sat down to fast and rolled a ball

by Kingdong30 April 13, 2016

ball of aggro

Someone who supresses their anger and finds it difficult not to vent their anger on others

Alison is such a ball of Aggro. She comes in giving it the large like she owns the fuckin' gaff. Someone should pimp slap her then see what she's got.

by Benny Eyes from the Bronx August 7, 2003