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Go back to the kitchen

The most original and funniest thing you can say to a women on cod

“Anyone got a mic?”

by Rj12139 May 23, 2023

5👍 1👎


In Miami, the act of walking out on a date abruptly and then going to chicken kitchen for takeout and your date sees you doing so from across the street.

I can’t believe Sam! He totally Chicken-Kitchened Susie last night! She posted a screenshot on Instagram.

by 10000miles January 23, 2023

The Crows kitchen

A company

the crows kitchen makes Burger

by The ture grog November 30, 2021

The Crows kitchen

A company of burgers made by 2 idiots but has the best burgers

"the crows kitchen is the best burger company"

by The ture grog November 28, 2021

Kitchen asphalt

Simply burned cake

Mama baked us some kitchen asphalt again, Dad.

by ABDL2023 August 1, 2023

room kitchen

A survival mechanism created by unruly teenagers. Food is stored in one's room in order to prevent hunger in times that one does not want to deal with parents that he or she has pissed off.

It works best if one doesn't mind drinking warm water.

I called my mom an idiot, so now I'm avoiding her. Good thing I have a room kitchen.

by larnbecky January 15, 2011

Soup Kitchen

Describes the state of having to engage in an urgent bowel movement where the fecal matter is soupy in consistency. Due to the velocity at which the material exits the anus, it usually leaves a sloppy mess around the bowl and underneath the toilet seat (backsplatter).

Damn man, after the wife’s chili last night I had to open up the soup kitchen first thing this morning. It was horrific.

by Assmaster74 January 10, 2022