when two people have intercourse in a sand box . One man slaps the lady in the face after ejaculating leaving a sandy imprint on the womens face.
Oh jane wipe that sandy caterpillar off your face.
When a female has crabs then puts crabs in her vaginal canal to make her crabs feel at home
"Why are you so happy?" "I brought someone home today" "who?" "My crabs" "Ahh, Sandy homecoming"
A clacker vagina that is sandy. In some cases an unfortunate woman's name.
"Oh i love summer, but i hate it when i get a sandy clacker!"
When you wrap ham slices around a sandpaper roll and either shove it up someone's anus or fuck it.
"Eh there bud, I got a Hammy-Sandy from Jona last night my ass was burning all night long."
A strange humanoid creature at the RWTH university, that makes students more concentrated, through its carefully notice writing and explaining what the shit the professors are talking about
Sandy B tut lecker Frühstücken in Lutz in Friedrichshafen mit ihrer Mama, Papa und dem kleinen Schatz.
Sandy's Great Show and Toys "Sandy's New Show" Is a channel owned by sandy.
mom im watching sandy's great show and toys