anyone wandering aimlessly through a crowd paying more attention to their texts than to who is directly around them.
That text zombie just bumped into me and didnt even look up from their phone.
The feeling you get when someone doesn't respond to your semi-sarcastic text... which you thought was harmless...and may not have been...or maybe they want you to think it was mean...but maybe they're just fucking with you...and you get all anxious...ARRRRGHHH!!
Rick says, "I should be able to do that for you. Let me check with the boss (his wife) and I'll get right back to you." Allison answers, "OK, Gene" (knowing Gene is a totally henpecked douchebag who can't make a move on his own). Rick makes Allison text squirm until he gets at least 3 anxious responses before he laughs at her.
The act of texting 3-4 people all at once. It gets really complicated, especially in group chats.
“My side chicks are blowing up my phone, this is why I’m a pro at Text Juggling”
When you lets your girl read and respond to the boys group text.
I know that wasnt Keith, he is such a text cuck.
An individual who is still in text mode when writing emails or letters. They write everything abbreviated as most people do in text messages but they continue to abbreviate everything even when not phone texting. This is out of habit but for some its just sheer laziness.
Dear Laurie,
How R U 2day? I hope all is well with U! I can't w8 4 spring break so I can come 2 Florida 2 visit U! Do U think the plane ticket will be Xpensive? Thanks 4 letting me stay in your beach house! I will write U l8ter....
Luv U,
P.S. Sorry I am a text talker...I'm just so use to texting on the phone so now when I write letters its just habit for me to abbreviate everything. LOL!
I was text dropping on the guy next to me and found out he's having an affair.
Sending a seemingly endless stream of innocuous and sometimes disturbing rapid fire text messages. Subjects typically revolve around about their daily movements thoughts and observations. Similar to the psychiatric term "pressured speech" observed when someone in a psychotic state speaks without stopping or regard to anyone often interrupting and not acknowledging that conversations are supposed to be two way.
Man I had to block Mikes phone he was doing pressured texting maybe hes off his meds ? Its not that I don't care about him but please no more about your electric toothbrush !