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Female version of Satan

Stop being an Amers.

by dojacat123789 December 24, 2021


It is when someone acts in a neglecting way and starts arguing unprovoked knowing damn well he’s wrong

Amering is the only thing Amer is good at

by Inha aldunia kida 🤷🏽‍♂️ March 11, 2022

Amer Juse

Juice made out of a specific carp type: Karpy.

oh mann i drank the shit out of that amer juse

by rwheroin April 10, 2023


Amerize's are the most beautiful girls in the world. They are funny, sweet hot, and pull all the niggas. She is an amazing girlfriend and an amazing sister. Not very thick but they got. They are guy magnets.

Damn look at Amerize

by kasssssssssyyyyyyy March 14, 2018


If your name is Amere your 100% real nigga even if your white

Have seen that real nigga Amere

by Kaden spigner December 9, 2020

Americ anfootball House

The iconic house on the cover of Americ anfootballs album, American Football, that every emo in the world wishes to live in.

Emo- man, the Americ anfootball house is iconic
Normie- its literally just a fucking house

by Grunge.Arcana_Froglett November 12, 2021


American term or expression; American practice or custom; loyalty to the USA.

"Behavior' is an Amerism.

by uttam maharjan August 17, 2011