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Somebody who retarded and dont like nobody


“Who you like »

« Nobody »

Oh you must be retarded/asexual

by suckyurdsfdyducl November 3, 2022

2👍 21👎


To be attracted to A (s),just like how barlo is to be attracted to B(s).thats it

Teacher:Why is there a white stain on every letter A in this book?

The asexual kid:nervous laughter in the background

by SussusAmogus162 November 9, 2021

2👍 17👎


To be "Aamir Sexual"

Person 1: I think that b*tch over there is "Asexual"
Aamir: Oh fr?
Person 1: Yea Mr. bitches, i think she likes you

by ImNotAamir December 18, 2021

1👍 12👎


Someone who’s simply sooooo hot that no one else is worthy enough for them to feel sexually attracted to

“I’m asexual bitch, I’m hotter than everyone here meaning y’all aren’t worthy of my sexual attraction

by u/toxic_owo June 25, 2022

2👍 12👎


When a person is attracted to the both genders but they do not want to have sexual intercourse with men or women.

Yoooo! Bryce is definitely asexual! He’s dated a guy and a chic but still is a virgin,”

by Meme lord 101 May 18, 2018

5👍 59👎


They're either Worms or Virgins.- My Dad.

Person 1: I'm asexual.
Person 2: ok virgin
Person 1: :(

by Dr.Wily January 29, 2021

2👍 29👎


Only loving your self~ Makayla nikole Hanan

Makayla has decided to become asexual 😂

by Makayla Hanan the asexual December 3, 2017

4👍 73👎