When 1 roommate plays 1968 by the turnpike troubadours literally hundreds of times on the guitar in the living room until it's stuck in the other roommate's head and then the second roommate sings the song in his room while the first roommate, who is working in the living room, shushes him.
Lloyd: "it's been a long time coming good to see you my old friend"
Felix, Command in Chief of the Liberal War Machine: "Dude....::implicit Hypocrisy of the Liberal War Machine::"
Hypocrisy horse- a person that is self righteous and vociferous in their attitude and is guilty of the same things that they are speaking out against.
I shook my head as she climbed up on her hypocrisy horse, telling me what a slob I am while sitting surrounded by a chaotic mess.
To go against something you truly believed in. An example is being against female circumcision and supporting male circumcision.
Hypocrite: I just got my son circumcised.
Intactivist: That’s really cruel of you. Would you do it to your daughter as well?
Hypocrite: WTF? That’s actual child abuse!
Intactivist: So as male circumcision. Being against one and supporting the other is extremely hypocritical. It’s a double standard.
Hypocrite: No, it’s not! Male circumcision has health benefits while female circumcision does not!
Intactivist: Neither of those have health benefits. If they do, it shouldn’t be done to a child.
Hypocrite: BS!
Intactivist: That is the definition of hypocrisy.
Refusing to acknowledge one's own negative feelings and double standards, instead choosing to poke at or call out other people's.
The guy/girl thought that he/she was not a hypocrite, while everyone else thought he/she was a hypocrite too. Cynicism masked by a smile is still cynicism, not optimism, its hypocrisy just like everybody else's.
When someone known as the mouth of the south starts talking about other people's mouths, you have hypocrisy at its worst.
The mouth of the south wants to preach about other people's mouths now, hypocrisy doesn't get any worse.
When scientists are dictating what common sense should be for everyone, you have hypocrisy.
Scientists are among the least socially responsible people around, and they're telling people about taking things seriously and common sense. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy for the rest of us hypocrites.
A guy who beats the shit out of his wife and wins a baseball game in the same day has accomplished 2 things that day, one considered (agreed to be) by most people to be negative, the other positive. You could ask OJ about what that's like, nobody thinks of OJ without thinking of a criminal, people hardly remember he played football too. If you're gonna judge one book by its cover, shouldn't you judge all books by their covers? The same people who don't think each person is different are usually the ones telling people not to judge books by their covers, and that there's more than meets the eye in the first place (except with guys like OJ or wife beating baseball players, for some reason they think you should judge certain people if they tell you to do so). They tell you don't underestimate them, but its fine if you ridicule others.
Judging one kind of book by its cover and not another is hypocrisy. Since everyone's a hypocrite, everyone would have a cause to investigate hypocrisy in others.