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jehovah's witness

a person that believes that jehovah is their creater and also follows monotheism strongly. they also knock on people's door to try and get them to join their religion.

a jehovah's witness knocked on my door yesterday

by im_the_Bomb June 15, 2009

77đź‘Ť 67đź‘Ž

jehovah trick

A trick/excuse claiming to be a Jehovah's Witness. Used when purposely/accidentally forgetting holidays/occasions.

"What did you get your girlfriend for Christmas?"
"I used the jehovah trick on her so I didn't have to get her anything."

by littoivan March 17, 2008

42đź‘Ť 32đź‘Ž

jehovah's witnesses

An extremely annoying cult that brainwashes little children into not excepting blood transfusions to save their life. If you are baptized and want to leave, they will "disfellowship" you and the consequences are that your family and friends who are JW's are not allowed to associate with you anymore.

They are a bunch of hypocritical fanatic bible thumpers who criticise all non-JW's, but just sit around in their Kingdom Halls and talk about how good they are and how bad everything in the world is. They just sit there and discuss the same fucking thing during every meeting.

The are a complete waste and drain on society and the economy. They do not contribute positive in anyway. They are just sitting around waiting for the world to end, which when it does all JW's will get into the new system and all non-JW's will be killed by god!

Husband: How was your day, dear?
Wife: Oh, two Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on the door at 7am this morning and I immediately told them I was disfellowedshipped. The two young men screamed like girls and ran back to their car.
Husband: Where's dinner?

by squish squashy April 28, 2006

190đź‘Ť 177đź‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

Let me first say I am a Jehovah's Witness so what I am going to say is what we actaully believe in.

Jehovah is the name of God and we are His witnesses to carry on His word through the Bible.

We do not believe in the Trinity, Jehovah is God and Jesus is His son.

We believe blood transfusions are wrong and this is because in the Bible it says not to use the blood of others (or at least in that similiar sense)

We are NOT a cult if we get money it is from members of the Kingdom Hall we don't just knock on your door and say Hey can we have your money.

We come to your door because we want everyone to have knowledge of Jehovah (and when we come to your door we show respect and it would be nice to get it in return)
We don't celebrate the holidays because they are considered pagen so we do not particpate.

We follow the Bible it points us in the right direction and gives us faith and allows us to gain knowledge of Jehovah and His son Jesus.

We also believe that once you die you are cleared of your sins and you can live in paradise but if you try to go back to sinful ways you will be gone.

We believe there is not a Hell where you burn for eternity because of a life of wrong-doing and everyone does not go to Heaven only the chosen few, when you die the dead are unconcious of everything but you will be awaken by Jesus to live in the world of paradise.

I might not be right about every aspect but this is what I have learned through my father and I am only 16 so I have time to correct myself. I just wanted to do this because so many have a wrong impression of the people who are the same religion as me, and I wanted to give them correct information.

Jehovah's Witnesses are like normal people and just try to spread knowledge so everyone has the same oppurtunity.

by Melly :-) December 24, 2008

161đź‘Ť 152đź‘Ž

jehovah's witnesses

Ok well, first of all, Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a cult. They have their own beliefs just like any other religion. Yes, Witnesses don't believe in the trinity. But why is it that Buddhists (just an example)or any other religion that doesn't believe in God is not criticised?? They all have their own belifs. And for everyone who is saying things, have you actually ever talked to a Witness in person?? Don'y believe everything you hear. Also, it is true that Witnesses do change their teachings at times. But the reason is because they have discovered something new in the bible and have revised their teachings in order continue living according to bible principles and laws. The celebrating of Christmas, birthdays, etc are not bible teachings. Does anyone recall Jesus and his disciples ever doing any of these things?? Honestly, just contact the Witnesses yourself.

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you may face opposition, but did not Jesus face such things also?

by azncutie November 9, 2006

183đź‘Ť 179đź‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

I see there is someone stating that the Jehovah Witnesses don't accept blood transfusions and that nowhere in the bible does it say anything about blood. Well I strongly disagree, I can tell you it is very clear Act 15:20 KJV "But what we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication and from things strangled(or killed without draining their blood) and from Blood."
Most people think a child died because the parents are Jehovah witnesses and they don't accept blood but didn't you think maybe the child died from complications and because they don't accept transfusions the child died from a complication.
Also look in to acts 2 15:28-29. "Jehovah Witness actually receive better medical treatment because they don't accept blood" (American Journal of Obstetrics and gynecology 1968).
All surguries including open heart surgery, brain surgury you name it. The army is actually now using the methods Witnesses have been using for years because there blood supply is down.

I'm so glad people don't know what they are talking about that they convince themselves that they know everything. Don't claim to know what the bible says or doesn't say if you have never read it. I will always quote from the King James Version, which is what is normally used in most christain churches. I am not a Jehovah Witness but I have studied with them and they are wonderful people and they don't just make up crazy things from no where their beliefs come staight from the bible. While everyone who is not a witness is reading this consider one thing where in the bible does it tell you that you are going to heaven if you are good? Good luck (just a hint it isn't in there I've studied the entire bible)

by j2k January 2, 2005

236đź‘Ť 233đź‘Ž

Jehovah's Witnesses

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult offshoot of the Millerite movement in the late 1800's. Founded by a known con man named Russell who used the "religion" as a scam to sell products such as "miracle wheat." They originally taught that the world would end in 1874. When that date came and went the teaching became that Jesus had returned to earth to begin ruling in 1874 and that the world would now end in 1914! Many "proofs" were offered to back up that date. Most were completely idiotic the measurements of the pyramids and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 606 pop to mind!

However they were caught out again when 1914 came and went! So once again things had to change! Around that time a drunken adulterer actually seized control in a hostile takeover by buying out the stock of the religion and having the original "council" thrown off the Brooklyn property by the police! This self-appointed "judge" is largely responsible for the religion we know today as "Jehovah's Witnesses" (although many of their core doctrines have changed and indeed continue to change!) It was he who banned all outside celebrations birthday, Christmas, Easter etc... He did this on the weakest of possible grounds, inaccuracies and twisting of scripture. His goal was to completely alienate the witnesses from the general population. Make them feel different, better, special, a trick used by many cults today and throughout history. It’s a practice that witnesses still continue to this day!

He changed the dates again, saying now that Jesus had returned to power in 1914 the end was in 1918, then 1925 then 1935, by then the 1874 dates and stranger beliefs were being downplayed and ignored! After all these failed dates they were loosing members rapidly even with the new “preaching work” they were rapidly failing the “Witnesses” looked like they would soon become nothing more than a historical footnote! Around then “the judge” came up with a theory about the “generation” of 1914 and the “generation” that Jesus spoke of! He came up with a slick new campaign spearheaded by a public lecture and a book called “Millions now living will NEVER die” He said that the generation that saw the end of 1914 would be the same generation that saw the end of this wicked world! Thousands of witnesses quit their jobs sold their homes and belongings and hit the streets to preach this imminent destruction! The “judge” also organized an extremely “in your face” preaching style which was intended to start riots, beatings, and fights. He did this so that he could then take his new “religion” into the courtroom and gain publicity for his “Devine work.” The judge was an unabashed publicity hound! He had built a large mansion in California where he lived with his mistress and several other female attendants he encouraged others to sell all and preach while he lived in luxury and drove two 16 cylinder Cadillac’s!

Of course like all of their foolish prophecy the generation teaching also failed to come about and in 1995 the slogan and “generation teaching” was dropped. Many elderly witnesses are now living in poverty with no retirement or savings due to the fact that the end was so near… It’s very sad when you think about it!

This is a big trick of witnesses even today they change their beliefs CONSTANTLY and when deny that they ever believed differently! Some simple examples include the prophetic date for Jerusalem's fall (first 606 then someone pointed out that the year 0 was actually not a year, rather than admit that they were wrong they simply changed the historic date of the fall to 607??? WTF! This despite the fact that there are over 10,000 stone manuscripts from that time that date the fall to 587, which also agrees with a biblical time line!) Changing prophecy, 1874,1914,1918,1925,1935,1975 etc... The ever-changing medical policies, no organ transplants (thousands died from refusing) then in the 1970's suddenly that was ok... So sorry that you had to die! Then no blood or blood fractions, thousands died and thousands continue to die. Now blood fractions are fine but no whole blood (in fact if you add up all the allowed blood fractions it's nearly 94% of blood can be taken just not all at once...) you can eat a burger patty and lettuce, and pickle and a bun but if you put it all together god will kill you... This despite the clear fact that taking blood is not the same as eating blood and the penalty for eating blood in the bible was to 'be unclean until the evening' wasn't even a major sin! This group is really fucked up!

All of this garbage has been disproved so thoroughly that any unbiased person would simply laugh at these guys which is why their number are now on the decline in every single industrialized nation. Although they do still enjoy growth in third world nations!

By and large they are a failing religion, held onto by fanatics who simply won’t admit that they have given their lives to a publishing company… If you know any witnesses give them a hug they are having some hard times!

I'm a Jehovah's Witnesses I don't know what I'll believe tomorrow... That light sure keeps getting brighter!

The bible hasn't changed though?

Shut the fuck up! *fingers in ears* Light gets brighter, Light gets brighter, Light gets brighter!

by mkr32208 April 8, 2006

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