When Rambo the Basket Snake and his minions of poison exchange illegal data wirelessly with their Cobra Card Transmitters.
Rambo the Basket Snake: You get the data Sanchezo?
Sanchezo: Yeaaaaahr. Wireless Cobra Tag helps mucho giganto time.
A dutch rudder has someone working the arm of your hand your spanking it with, difference is, the wireless version has the person on the other end of the phone is "talking you through it" instead of actually physically being there to do it with you.
Hey bro, 'ol girl worked me over with the wireless dutch rudder last night while we were texting, just as good as the physical version!
a charger that has a wire its kinda like a pad or a little circle thing you plug in and you put a phone or a watch on it and it charges it
hey my phones about to fuck itself do you have a chidger
no i dont i have a wireless charger tho
A bullshit phrase to explain what wifi stands for. It is also quite like oxygen, if we don't have wifi, we will not survive.
Juan: Man do they got some wireless fedelity here?
Brady: Dude that's not a real word. Wi-fi isn't an acronym, it's just a name.
People who are sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation (EMR) from power lines, household appliances, wi-fi, cellphones, etc.
Like the canaries once used in coal-mines, these are the first people to suffer from electrosensitivity. They either become sick, or need to move as a result. Symptoms include anxiety, troubles sleeping, brain fog, and loss of coordination.
"That dude is so out of it today."
"Take it easy on him, man, he's a wireless canary."
when the roach falls out so you chong the paper
Fuck bro my roach fell out now I have a Wireless Blunt
A person who, no matter the occasion, always uses wireless access on their phones, PDAs or netbooks, in every coffee shop, at every airport, etc.
Waiter: Hello, I'm Disposable, and I'll be your waiter this evening. What can I get you?
Wireless Hunter: Shut up, I'm tweeting.