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Small Dick Energy

The scheming malevolent vibes which come from a person who can’t do anything right. Typically a classic BetaMale.

β€œDid you see those two politicians debate last night? They were both so extreme, neither of them will make things better. I don’t think either of them believed in half of the things they were saying. Both of them absolutely had Small Dick Energy.

by IronMikey April 14, 2023

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

small dick energy

the opposite of big dick energy for those who are unworthy

my friend berry has small dick energy! tragic.

by stevneyeun July 22, 2018

27πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Small dick Ayden

Small dick Ayden is a very racist gay ass nigga. He has very very very very very very very small dick

Oh shit here comes small dick Ayden

by Lil fruit snacc January 9, 2020

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Small dick energy

Small Dick Energy is cockiness without skill and doing stupid things and calling them or yourself"hard" for validation when they are clearly stupid. This includes posting on Instagram when you aren't even a great athlete but enjoy abusing yourself.

David Goggins has extreme small dick energy. He's always posting on Instagram for validation when everything he does is not "hard" but stupid.

by Speak the truth about idiots May 23, 2022

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Small Dick Energy

What females say men have because they aren’t interested in dating a beached whale.

Fat chick: Want to grab a drink with me tonight? *eats big macs*
Man: No thank you, ma’am.

Fat chick: Wow you give off such small dick energy. You must be a virgin.

Man: Ma’am I’m here with my wife and kids, please leave us alone.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 31, 2022

18πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

When refer someone to having Small Dick Energy they are talking garbage in the mic, or griefing in a video game

Small Dick Energized person: hahaha I'm so fucking bad at this game and going to just destroy for everybody else hahaha.
Normal humanbeing: I feel some Small Dick Energy in this server
Small Dick Energized person: NO, I dont have a small penis my mom says 1.4 inches erect is large!

by 51231 March 30, 2021

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Small dick energy

People with small dick energy carry themselves like they have a really embarrassing secret that they're terrified of other people knowing. They often spend lots of time and energy trying to project a sense of confidence that rings hollow.

Logan wouldn't project such small dick energy if he could just take some time to relax, be at peace with himself, realize where his worth really comes from, and stop caring so much about other people's opinions.

by _moanium December 31, 2022