if performed correctly, its a more organized and structured style of movement in a pit. Its concidered structured because actual "dance moves" are used at certain parts of songs that have a certain beat or rhythm. Its not just "flailing" of the arms; is structured movements performed to correspond with particular parts in songs. Such as the 2-step which is done to fast or slow rhythmic alternations between the snare and base drum. Hardcore dancers move to the music, needing a knowlege of music, while push moshers just move aimlessly without structure. The usual "push mosher" fag is the asshole who decides theyre just going to push random people with no rhythm and with no disregard to if someone is in the pit, just someone observing the pit, if theyre a female. Thought hardcore dancing is seen as "wreckless" or "dangerous" it is deeply structured on respect. If someone falls we "hardcore dancer" help them up. If someone is in a "push mosh" pit they wouldnt get helped or noticed. They would just be trampled on because nobody is paying attention to what anybody is doing. Basically harcore dancing is a structured style of movement in which actual dance moves are performed to correspond with certain rhythms or tempos in songs.
hardcore dancing
hardcore pit
hardcore 2-step
21๐ 26๐
Dancing to hardcore with flailing arms and kicks.
Though "true" metal fans think hardcore dancing sucks, they are, in fact, washed-up pansies who can think of nothing better to do with their time and energy than make fun of the way kids dance.
They are also afraid to actually point out (except on the internet) that they dislike hardcore dancing because they are outnumbered 10 to 1 at shows and probably would not be able to touch a hardcore kid in a fight because hardcore dancers are all, in fact, magical ninjas.
Hey, look at that 40-year-old wash-up get attacked by the rest of the hardcore scene because he has trouble ignoring hardcore dancing.
28๐ 37๐
I Dont know why kids think this is cool. Most talented metal bands will tell the hardcore kids that no dancing is allowed. Most hardcore kids are OBSESSED with their self-image(they say it's for getting girls) and the whole hardcore scene is the same way, my few hardcore friends are so "metro" I can't help but laugh to myself every time I see them. If hardcore dancing is skillfull then so is having an epileptic siezure.
There is no set guidline to hardcore dancing, you just wait for breakdowns in songs, and make sure you look like a total lunatic while trying to find your "own style" in your flailing.
That music club has hardcore dancing competitions.
Hardcore dancing is the worst thing to ever happen to music since disco dancing.
27๐ 36๐
A pathetic routine practiced by "hardcore" kids to really bad music. This style of moshing and the accompanying music ironically don't seem to have much to do with music at all, rather it is something these kids do to impress each other with their imaginary toughness.
Hardcore dancing makes me want to smoke crack.
25๐ 33๐
the rare and mysterious skill of letting go of your body and shaking every appendage as fast as possible. These dancers, also known as "Willy Wonka"s do not enjoy being touched when they are in the zone. If you do run into one of these people, protect your testicles. They dont like to fight fair.
lets go to this show and dry hump and nut squiggle the band
20๐ 26๐
Hardcore dancing is something that gets confused with scene dancing alot. Pretty much everybody here described HC dancing as what scene dancing is: Pussy scene kids trying to hardcore mosh. I don't blame anyone for thinking its lame and weak as shit.
Hardcore dancing barely consists of "kicks and punches". It is a style of mosh done while a hardcore band is playing there set. It is all about maximum energy output. If you saw real HC dancing, you would not call it pussy.
This is how it works:
1. The band starts playing a song on the stage.
2. People line up perpendicular to the stage (on each end).
3. They start charging at each other and provoking others around then to join in.
4. The walk/run across the floor is done with alot of agressivness. There are some moves done here such as whiping your arms behind your back, sliding your feet around, busting out, stretching forward then retracting immediatly, etc.
5. The song gets going. A fast beat is playing, and there is some slight mosh going on. Then the song really gets going and the stage dives begin. There are pile up, sing alongs, varieties of jumps.
6. Then there is a breakdown in the song. Everyone stops and start two steppin. It gets heavier and there is more agressive two steppin, and also some stage steppin.
8. Back to the fast part.
9. Now it's time for the throwdown. This is what scene kids try to copy but end up doing it pussy style. It's like a breakdown but alot heavier. People tend to get low and sing their arms in beat to the song. If you saw a real throwdown you would never mention pussy around hardcore again.
Then is more random 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc. throughout the set. There are definalty alot of HC dance moves, but none of which are pussy.
21๐ 30๐
fucking-retarded, assholes who flip around like the worthless monkeys they are at heavy-music shows. Everytime i see them, they hit people on the offsides and then almost get their asses kicked and they get pissed off at THAT PERSON for almost kicking their ass....its like: "dude, are you a fucking moron? you just kicked that guy!..THAT is why he is about to kill you!" I dont know who started this, but they deserve to die...i think it was the gay-ass emo/screamo/fakepunkish/ska/indie and whatever else you call that bullshit excuse for distorted guitar and drumming. These kids are not true at all, they're fake and they all hate MTV but they are JUST AS BAD. they are to be shot at once. And if you think im an old-washed up shit: im only 18. thank you. PANTERA
Hardcore Dancing? What ever happened to good old fashion moshpits? oh yeah, the young dumb-fuck generation is here...i forgot. i'm ashamed to be young today.
23๐ 36๐