He is a hot person with nice body.blonde hair,hard abs,and a big dick
When you shove the stick part of a lollipop up a person's anus and eat the candy part
Josh gave Esther a Patton Pop last night at the party.
Imus Patton
Da notorious tough-as-nails four-star general who was temporarily relieved of his duty for referring to his battle-weary-and-disheveled soldiers as "nappy-headed hoes".
If Imus Patton had watched his mouth as well as he strategized his battles, he might have led the Normandy invasion instead of being withdrawn from combat due to his verbal misconduct.
Unionvilles baby, the school where cancelling is an every month occurance. Kennett middle schools biggest rival Let’s be real Kennett is just the poor version of patton with a really bad education we have a lot of groups at lunch. First popular girl table , popular boy table and end the end of each of the popular people table there are the people who aren’t popular enough to sit in the front but still try we have the nice friend group the gay friend group . Let’s not forget how they are total rich kids well most of them so that’s patton for ya
Oh you go to Patton Middle School so your rich right
Sam Patton has a verry large crush on his spanish teacher. He goes to the extreme to impress her.
Sam Patton???
Oh he must have a crush on his spanish teacher
The unspoken rule amongst guys that when needed your wingman will jump on the grenade and take one for the team.
Guy one: c’mon man, I know she’s fat but her friend is hot and she’s into me.
Guy two: are you invoking the Patton Rule?
Guy one: if you take that grenade I’ll owe you big time.