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strong bowl

A collaborative effort of 3 or more people in which all individuals provide an appropriate amount of marijuana to add to a smoking device(bowl)

Person 1: Hey! We all have weed, how about a strong bowl or two?
Person 2: With our powers combined we shall have the strongest of all bowls!

by project420 May 13, 2009

strong books

when the odds at the bookies is in your favor and your likely to win. It can also be used in other contexts, such as "ahh strong books tonight" for a night out.

"You think tonight is gonna be a good night out?" "Yehhh, strong books tonight"

by Maddog10101 November 12, 2012

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crossfit Strong

"Crossfit Strong" is very much like being "Weightwatchers Thin", i.e. you might think you're hot shit, but out in the real world, you're 2 milkshakes away from greenpeace pushing you back into the ocean like the overbloated land cetacean that you have become.

With their total lack of linear or otherwise strength progression programming, and instead random, jerking, as-fast-as-fucking-possible and fuck the form, exercise, your average crossfitter will build the kind of strength that would impress a whole playground full of 8 year olds. Until the 10 year olds turned up and out-lifted them (whilst using vastly superior form).

You might think half-squatting a PVC pipe 30 times is impressive, if you're surrounded by similar white, middle class, cult-buddies. You'll probably harp on with some old bullshit about "functional strength", as if there is a way of being strong that is somehow useless. You might even be arrogant enough to equate throwing barbells around, without any form of programming, to a lifetime of hard graft and labour, and claim you have a similar base of strength. Let me tell you, Cultfitters. Any farmer aged 8 and up will outlift your skinny, DYEL, wet bag, rotator cuff worrying, carb depleted bullshit.

Weightlifter: 'Dude, why are you throwing your legs around while you do a pullup? You realise that doesn't actually work the muscles you're trying to target any better right? And in fact may increase the stress on your shoulder joints, right?'

Crossfitter: 'But I'm Crossfit Strong! Plus... I can't really do a strict form pull up'.

Weightlifter: 'Well you could work on that, become stronger until you can do a whole bunch?'

Crossfitter: 'No! That's ok, I just like to turn up and do a random bunch of exercises without any thought to what my goals or objectives are, you know, apart from doing it all FASTER!'.

Weightlifter: 'Ok. The adult weights are over in the corner if you'd like to join me, I'll be deadlifting with PROPER FORM and NOT FOR TIME 3x what you lift, in the corner. Come join me when your rotator cuffs are healed'.


by DoYouEvenLiftXfitters January 17, 2014

97๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

game strong

when something is going well, could be used sarcastically!

e.g. 'eyebrows on point, game strong'

'eybrow game strong'

eyebrows on point, game strong.

by theelderwand April 15, 2015

93๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

ken strong

The male reproductive organ.

I was with this girl, and I tell you she couldn't handle my ken strong.

God damn she sucked on my ken strong so good.

by M Pizzle 24 June 12, 2007

Strong Salafi

Alpha Male Muslim. Has 4 wives, a big biceps and high IQ. Refutes deviants on Social Media. Has obtained his vast knowledge through PDFs, YouTube videos and JustPaste.it links.

Did you see how this Strong Salafi ratioed 5 Soy Boy Ikhwaanis with a single dot ? Our mixed group chat still talks about this epic incident.

by StrongSalafi February 1, 2021

99๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

strong bad

A character on homestarrunner.com, who wears a wrestling mask and has boxing gloves for hands. He answers weekly e-mails with flash cartoons. The creator of among many other institutions, Teen Girl Squad and Trogdor, the Burninator. And, may I say, he is extremely attractive.

Strong Bad floats my boat.

by Katy December 26, 2003

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