When two sexual partners are both on all fours, facing opposite directions so their butthole are eye to eye and they keep passing the same fart back and forth into each other's anus.
You can tell those two do the Polish Wind Tunnel to each other; they're from Missouri, after all.
The person whose mic is so loud over a discord voice call, that when they unmute, all you hear is their fan.
Yo who keeps <unmuting> the wind tunnel guy?
Peeing in someone’s butt while she farts on your penis.
Going to have a piss in the wind tunnel again.
The act of farting while simultaneously taking a rip from a bong.
The room fell silent as Becka filled the chamber of her bong with thick, white smoke. As she cleared it in one breath, she let out a thunderous fart that sent her friends into fits of laughter as they bore witness to the Human Wind Tunnel.
Player 1 is playing actual bagpipes while a morbidly obese man is taking a shit with the consistency of pancake batter for reasons only the morbidly obese man knows for sure, into a box fan powered by a 3 phase motor, splattering the bagpiper? Pipeist? ... victim...In the face with the morbidly obese man's Bisquick batter crap. Player 2 is bag piping the morbidly obese mans armpit which is the source of a lot of BO. So player 2 vomits and even though he's not at the best angle he must try and vomit into the fan.
If you love the music of Korn, you will love playing The Scottish Wind Tunnel with your coworkers. It's like Mario and Luigi except Scottish instead of Italian.
The act in which a Girl/Old woman sits on their partners face and queefs down the recievers throat. These acts usually make the recievers breath smell like a fish market afterwards.
Oh Honey, I gave this Nice young man a Baltimore wind Tunnel a couple days ago. He cant get the taste of salmon out of his mouth.
Refers to someone stumbling and having a hard time standing up straight without swaying when drunk (because they look like they are walking through a strong wind tunnel).
Oh no, Mike's wind tunneling down the hall. Guess he shouldn't have had those extra shots.