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Black Dynamite

The baddest, smoothest cat to hit the silver screen, you jive muthafuckas!

After his brother is killed, Black Dynamite uncovers a plot that goes all the way up to the President to sell tainted malt liquor that shrinks brothers' dicks.

Co-written by star Michael Jai White.

Girl #1: My mommy says my daddy's name is Black Dynamite.
Girl #2: My mommy said the same thing.
Black Dynamite: Uhhh... Hush now, girls, lots of cats have that name.

by WhiteTNT July 11, 2010

197๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Friday

Stupid people spending money they don't have on shit they don't need.


*slips on a banana peel and gets trampled to death*

by XileLord December 11, 2010

53๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Peter

Black Peter, a pseudo-celebrity personality of the Seattle/Bellevue/Mercer Island area, is almost exclusively infamous for adding the prefix "Black" before his name, as his last name remains virtually unknown. One of the premier urban freestyle rappers of the area, as well as an unparalleled dancer (his c-walk is legendary in three states), he also holds respect in many circles for being able to get away with calling himself "Black" Peter while sounding like a forty year old, white Jewish male.

Black Peter just came in and ate all my food, now my family won't be able to make it through the winter.

by Dave Morse November 15, 2005

192๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

black name

A word used by white people to describe an unusual name given to a black person.

Black man: Yo my name is Izza

White man: Wow that is such a black name.

by CHR15T0P#ER June 19, 2008

200๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

black boy

What to call a black person so he will feel the same way you do after he calls you a white boy.

I'm a man just like you black boy!

by brerrobot December 1, 2007

370๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rebecca Black

A terrible pop singer. Period. Her nasally voice, unremarkable style, and completely uncreative lyrics will make your ears bleed. Her "song", friday, is so ridiculously bad it got 25,000,000 views on youtube in 2 weeks.

If you listen to it you will curse God for giving you ears. You will want to hang yourself and shoot the person who gave her a record deal, for creating the horrible abomination that is now clogging the airways.

The best theory of why anyone would ever let this song happen is to create some kind of real life satire. They are trying to show how this generation will like to any music if the people who make it tell them to.

Rebecca Black:
"Yesterday was Thursday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards."

"fun, fun, fun, fun" to infinity and beyond.

by dr.salamander March 20, 2011

75๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

black thumb

A wannabe gardener who kills plants. Opposite of green thumb.

I have killed all the plants in my house. I must have a black thumb.

by Clifford D. September 13, 2006

110๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž