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Lucky Crunchy

When you open a fresh bag of potato chips, take one off the top and crush it inside a girls pussy. Then lick it out and to eat it while you throat fuck her.

I heard Wyatt and his girlfriend did a lucky crunchy last night!

by The_Dufe July 9, 2023

Lucky fuck

the sexual act of fucking a leprechaun for gold

Me and my friend Tommy did a lucky fuck yesterday

by Mexican named Juan March 10, 2024

Lucky oyster

Sticking 11 oysters up your grandma and sucking out 12 !

I visited grandma today and scored my self a lucky oyster.

by Sneakywalks May 8, 2020

lucky charley

An unexpected kiss with an affectionate other that is followed by a second, expected kiss due to desires provoked by the first kiss.

Dude did you get a lucky charley with Sheryl?
Yeah I did man! I love kissing Sheryl!

by Skskskskskskyler December 16, 2014

Lucky Stick

The one cigarette that is flipped upside down inside of a pack of cigarettes. Smokers usually smoke this cigarette last, for good luck.

"Yo man, can I bum a cig from you?"
"Hold up, let me flip a lucky stick first."

by jiggysaw17 October 6, 2018

lucky blem

when you flick the bottom of a fresh box of blem and the one which goes up the furthest you turn around so its chip side up. lucky blem then must be smoked as the last blem in the box or it is deemed unlucky.

"hey gilbert, can i have a blem?"
"No f*ck off Warren i only have a lucky blem left"

by Gilbert... June 18, 2021

lucky as cheese

Something radiating supreme luck! Or the luckiest person on the planet earth

“Any guy would be lucky as cheese to go out with you
“I’m feeling lucky as cheese today”

by Iatemylaptop June 13, 2024