Source Code

Classic bit

A classic bit is the act of doing something "classic". A bit is anything you can be doing or about to do. So when one performs a classic bit they are doing something that is classic. Or in other words really cool.

Person 1: Hey can we do the McDonalds bit?
Person 2: Yeah dude that's classic

Two people are stuck in traffic
Person 1: This sucks
Person 2: yeah we are deff doin a Classic bit right now
Person 1: what bit is that
Person 2: oh you know the Classic stuck in traffic bit

by Thebom.com July 25, 2009

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cheesy bits

When someone wipes their arsehole with their finger and swabs someones lips with it and says "cheesy bits".

Don't act up or you will get some cheesy bits!

by knarlycervix January 4, 2017

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Quid bit

A little bit

Ruminations.com has quid bits of information

by Cuscooter December 21, 2011

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A Baby Bit

A small amount. An amount no larger than what a full baby's bite would be.

While out for food two friends are sharing a 2 liter of Diet Coke. There is enough for one person to finish the bottle in one gulp, however he or she only pours a "a baby bit" and leaves the rest for his friend.

Nick: "Do you mind if I have a 'baby bit' of that diet coke."

Kyle: "Oh, absolutely"

Nick: "Thanks bro, I left you a 'baby bit'

by Basco13 November 7, 2013

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6 bits

75 cents

I have 6 bits. Who wants gumballs?

by The Return of Light Joker October 31, 2010

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Little Bit

1) A creature that is very small in size and brain power, most likely dropped on head in a 2nd grade class, Bug-eyed and furry, tends to chase after inanimate objects.
2)Verb: To be a nuisance to the beings around you, usually by making high-pitched noises and staring at things you expect the beings to throw.

1)I believe Oliver Twist was a Little Bit.
2)Dont Little Bit, or I will throw a rock at you!

by Hue Jass June 6, 2003

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little bit

a little nugget or marijuana saved from a larger nug. No certain size is necessary for a piece of weed to be refered to as a little bit. A little bit just has to be a piece that was broken off a bigger piece and is being saved for later

Hey Billy did you save a little bit for later?

by 337 October 13, 2004

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