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Jizz Jockey

The one pair of underpants you always wear when going to your girlfriend or when you're anticipating sex. This pair cannot be washes nor ever seen by your mother

Peter: "Why are you grounded?"
Brad: "My mom found my jizz jockey"

Girlfriend: "What smells so bad?"
Boyfriend: "Sorry I forgot to wash my jizz jockey"

by RhinoIV November 10, 2014

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Jizz in the hair

when you're going doggy style and the guy pulls out and jizzes all over the person on bottom's hair

When Matt and Hannah did it doggy style she got Jizz in the hair

by My dirty harry August 19, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jizz Bitchin'

Something unbelievably bitchin'. Can refer to sex, food, parties, anything bitchin'.

Dude...that party last night was so jizz bitchin'...

by InomZM June 18, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lameness that is only hinted at when one displays a lack of smoothness/thinking/tact.

Ex 1 Brian: Ah shit i forgot my wallet.
Aaron: Weak-jizz bro
Ex 2 Joseph: Man, that new Jessica Simpson song is off the chain.
HArry: That's weak-jizz Joe.
Ex 3 Tavo: I'm gettin back with my girl.
Brad: That my friend, is weak-jizz

by Brad, Griff, Tavo, John, Puccetti August 7, 2005

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Jizz Cup

A cup that is kept handy at all times for those who give blow jobs and don't swallow. This cup is used to spit the cum into, once the man has ejaculated.

My sister keeps a jizz cup next to her bed and i mistakenly picked it up and too a drink of it, thinking it was milk.

by lovinglife.xoxo May 17, 2014

22๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

jizz lips

A girl who has applied a shiny or thick lip gloss to her lips.

Hey jizz lips i heard your mouth got streched this weekend.

Girl: check out my new lip gloss
Guy: it's too shiny, you've got jizz lips

by Chet Porteous May 5, 2009

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Jizz Bomb

1/3 Goldslagger, 1/3 Vodka, 1/3 Red Bull, mixed in that order. Named due to its appearance.

"Dude that looks like somebody pissed in a shotglass, then jerked off into it through a strainer. Lets call it a 'Jizz Bomb'."

by Adam, Brad, Besaw and Patrick July 24, 2006

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