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helicopter mom

the mom who hovers over her child, especially at school. This mom is too involved. She annoys the other parents as well as the teacher(s).

I have this helicopter mom in my class. Some mornings she stays more than an hour watching over her daughter and providing unneeded supervision and advice.

by one thyme May 21, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mom bod

A mother who has birthed a child or raising a child. Who has earned a new beautiful body by giving birth and is now a different type of sexy. She has Tiger stripes and a little extra weight to symbolise motherhood. Mom bods are the new sexy.

Check out that sexy mom bod!

by Truthhurtsbaby91 August 21, 2021

44๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

my mom

a phrase commonly used by a character in the show " Regular Show ", that character is named " Muscle Man " a friend of the main characters " Mordecai " and " Rigby "

guess who doesn't take a shower "my mom"

by darwinCx March 22, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

token mom

(noun) A woman who is routinely brought out for a night on the town by her daughter's group of friends because the daughter considers her mom to be funny, cute and witty (like in a sitcom) where in reality she is none of these things. This mom/daughter relationship is usually classified as 'best buddies.' The token mom often cramps the style of the women as she unofficially serves as a watchdog prohibiting any of the girls to pick up any 'meat.'

The drummer's chances of banging one of the hotties was high, but the token mom had the hots for him so nobody got laid last night.

by Mickey Nation February 2, 2007

67๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soccer Mom

1. The enemy of every gamer/anime fan out there.

2. Middle aged women who drive their kids around from school to activities in SUVs and have absolutely no driving skils. I mean reallly. They cause most of the accident on the roads. They also try to cancel anything that has a message, such as anime, music, internet sites, video games, and love. These fuckers really need to be shot.

Me: Yeah, so I was listening to Green Day the other day, and-

Soccer Mom: Don't say that name around my children! I'm telling your mothers!

Friend: What the...fuck off, we're talking here!


Me:(Pulls out gun and shoots) Bitch. Now where's my Foamy the squirrel?!?!?!

by yoyobling October 13, 2004

199๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mom

an abstract concept loosely affiliated with notions of the intended audience's maternal figure.

normally expressed as an intended slight on said maternal figure. often serves as indication of the end of a conversation.

X: That is one very fat farm animal.
Y: You're a fat farm animal.
X: I'll show you a fat farm animal.
Y: Your mom is a fat farm animal.

by BvO April 23, 2003

4257๐Ÿ‘ 1320๐Ÿ‘Ž

Facebook Mom

A parent that frequently neglects their duties as a mother and instead, updates their status on facebook constantly throughout the day

Ernie: Hey man, I was on facebook today and the only thing that came up on my news feed was updates from Sarah talking about how lonely she is and all the laundry she has to do

Wyatt: Dude she's such a Facebook Mom

Ernie: What's that?

Wyatt: Look it up on urbandictionary.com

by themaskedavengerrr February 26, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž